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Monday, May 16, 2011

justin bieber love me wallpaper

justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin Bieber Love Me
  • Justin Bieber Love Me

  • goobot
    May 2, 06:58 PM
    Great news, i just wish they would scan my apps and link them to the app store if i downloaded else where, i mean at least for free apps :(

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin Bieber Lovers!
  • Justin Bieber Lovers!

  • pcharles
    Mar 23, 07:49 AM
    Did not say he would improve it either. :(

    Adding Bluetooth makes a lot of sense.

    It is a hard drive with a screen! What else can they do? I suppose they could put a 1TB drive in there and add thunderbolt. . . . . That would be interesting!

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  • Surreal
    May 2, 06:00 PM
    This will be interesting. The issue that I see concerns ancillary data. I really dislike how the iphone handles application data, but it is--at the very least--consistent. You delete the app, you delete the data.

    I haven't had the occasion to see how MAS works with deleting, but I can't imagine it doing anything similar, and that creates a rift, in my opinion.

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  • theBB
    Aug 29, 09:40 PM
    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc. Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.
    Some of the reading, decoding, DRM, error control tasks will certainly happen in the drive itself, rather than CPU. More bits to process and faster data to send through the bus would certainly create more heat.

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  • FireStar
    Oct 2, 09:44 PM
    I ordered one of these from Ashopone last week (grey color). Does the gel case slide in and out of a pocket easily? The thing I hate about the silicone cases I have is that they are really sticking going in and out of pockets.
    I don't have one but it looks like it would be fairly easy to slide in and out of your pocket. Maybe not the easiest, but probably easy enough.

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  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 28, 03:11 PM
    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    There is a difference between being realistic about devices and having your head in the clouds. I LOVE my apple gear and can't wait to get an ipad, but I am realistic in it's capability - it certainly isn't going to replace anything as a main device for gamers.

    The iPad isn't the Jesus device that will be the be all and end all of tech....

    I never said it was. You must have me confused with somebody else.

    But since you bring it up... What excites me about Apple's current products is where they could be in five years. I've been talking about it since the iPhone was introduced.

    Imagine having a device that fits in your pocket yet is powerful enough to handle most people's computing needs. I go to the office and drop it in a dock and my LCD screens light up with my environment. I then go home and again I have access to everything again by simply plugging it in. When I'm on the train I can still use it to do email and what not.

    Motorola is partially there with the Atrix but the hardware isn't quite up to the task yet. Give it five years and I think things will be really different.

    Now that doesn't mean that a pocket device will replace every PC, console and server out there. It just represents shift in general usage. While I see this as feasible in the next few years I don't see a major migration away from desktops for at least a decade. This is due more to social constraints rather than technological.

    More back on the original subject:

    So what's to stop somebody making a $20 game pad for iOS? The iPad takes input from the controller and displays info on dual screens.

    Or even a controller that an iPhone or iPod slides into to allow use of the accelerometers in addition to the buttons.

    I don't see iOS ever replacing the consoles just like PCs didn't destroy that market. I can see a lot of overlap in the markets.

    Even so, the number of people that come to these forums just to piss and moan that their OS/phone/PC/console/tablet is better than the iOS device du jour is rather tiring. There is actually an interesting article in the March 2011 issue of Scientific American that talks about this very subject. I highly recommend it.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 21, 10:54 PM
    You should check out Alex Jones. http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel#p/u/0/aAabLYys72A

    He's spot on.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. I Love You Justin Bieber
  • I Love You Justin Bieber

  • antster94
    Apr 19, 10:57 AM
    Fairly predictable, still good to hear though. Heres hoping for an i7-2600!

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • Musubi
    Feb 27, 03:20 PM
    The sucky part about the 22" LCD was that it had a really high defect rate.

    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh!

    Yeesh... don't remind me. The inverter board in mine started doing the blink on blink off starting around late 2003. It was really intermittent at first and happened maybe once a month. Then in the thing really went crazy and was off more than it was on. Back then, the company that sold parts rarely had the board for the 22" model (the inverter board went bad in my 17" Studio Display in 2003 and they had tons of those in stock) and I really needed a monitor so I just ended up buying the 20" Cinema Display (Aluminum). I bought the 22" along with my G4 Cube back in July 2000; the Cube was $1800 and the display around $2200... ouch!!!

    Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    The amount of money I've spent on Apple products since I first started buying them in 1992-1993 (previously, had been a CP/M, DOS, OS/2 and unix gearhead) is hitting close to six figures now. :eek: If all that had been invested..... But back in 97, I did purchase several thousand bucks worth of AAPL when it was around $16 per share (pre split price basis) and accumulated a bunch between 1998-2000. Sold a quarter of my holdings after the internet bubble burst and let the rest ride even through the market doldrums that existed between 2001-2003 (didn't even considering dumping them back in 2003 when the stock had lost almost 80% of its value from its 2000 high as that for sure would have been locking in those paper losses). Those are now my core shares sitting in a Roth-IRA for retirement. Bought more between 2007 to mid-2010 (iPhone and iPad spurred those new positions) and seeing nice returns on that.

    Just to bring this back on topic, the following pic was back in 2006 when I had just gotten the Mac Pro and I connected my QS G4 to the 22" ACD. It miraculously worked without having the case of the blinkies (that lasted for nearly two weeks before it went crazy again).

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • vaderhater245
    Feb 27, 10:09 PM
    Finishing my graphic design degree this May. The large intuos might get replaced by a cintiq very soon.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin Bieber Love Me Cover.
  • Justin Bieber Love Me Cover.

  • Lennholm
    May 2, 07:04 PM
    Microsoft have managed to get one thing right in Windows. A specific tool (Add/Remove Programs) to delete a program. That's something that I genuinely feel is lacking in OS X and this idea of clicking and holding in LaunchPad makes sense. It's imple enough: most users who own an iPhone will have no trouble in adopting this method. And what's more, it makes it instantly accessible to anyone who uses a mac. In addition, it goes a step further than Microsoft. It avoids making more novice users from having to delve in to a complex window of settings. A step in the right direction? I think so!

    So personally, I think this is a very simple yet very effective change to make to OS X and should be a welcome sign of the things to come in Lion!

    That's probably the most unreliable function in Windows. It's an afterthought that was pieced together when they realised they can't count on sw developers to provide an uninstall app for their sw

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  • jmelrose
    Oct 23, 09:46 PM
    Does anyone really think Apple would do a major hardware update without a press conference of any kind?

    I just don't see this being a thing beyond a speed bump and upgraded hard drive. No price bump, no added features, no change in case. No change in display. MAYBE a faster DVD burner. That's it.

    THe big show will be saved for, well, the big show. (MWSF)

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin Bieber Baby Lyrics
  • Justin Bieber Baby Lyrics

  • Tronic
    Mar 25, 08:26 PM
    What I would like to see is 1080p out via wifi to apple TV, thus negating the need for dock connector out as seen in the video. Then companies will start developing in the opposite direction. IE apps optimized to take advantage of the apple TVs power while using the ipad/iphone/itouch as remotes/controllers.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin+ieber+pick+me+
  • Justin+ieber+pick+me+

  • chirpie
    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    This pro user will re-learn the interface for the very good reason that I will get lots of new features and tools.

    It's a shame you're going to go out of your way to apparently not learn anything during the process. Seems counter-productive to me, but it's your life.

    Agreed. Even a large overhaul of an interface like this one should take a day or two to get used too. I'm more likely to get tripped up over a remapped keyboard shortcut than anything else.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. Justin-ieber-2011-wallpaper-
  • Justin-ieber-2011-wallpaper-

  • Macula
    Jan 2, 07:24 AM
    There WILL be an Apple phone at MWSF

    -- HOWEVER --

    it will only have modest music playback capabilities. If you want a good music player AND a good phone then you will have to buy a Nano AND an Apple Phone.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. -Love me by Justin Bieber
  • -Love me by Justin Bieber

  • Slix
    Mar 26, 02:49 PM
    This looks pretty amazing.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. still love me tomorrow,
  • still love me tomorrow,

  • supremedesigner
    Jul 18, 07:38 AM
    This is bulls***! IF they want to do that way, then it's their loss! That is really stupid. I'd rather buy DVD instead of renting their cheapstake movies!

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. i love justin bieber wallpaper
  • i love justin bieber wallpaper

  • dlittle
    Jul 19, 08:12 PM
    The article posted:
    - Desktops: 614,000, down 14% from previous quarter
    - Portables: 498,000, up 60% from previous quarter

    I belive these numbers are for last quarter (note they don't add to 1.3M macs). They should post a correction.

    justin bieber love me wallpaper. justin bieber wallpaper 2011
  • justin bieber wallpaper 2011

  • mc68k
    Oct 13, 12:18 PM
    What are bigadv units? and how do I run them?

    I am currently running two instances using:
    ./fah6 -local -smp -verbosity 9

    do I just add the flag ' -bigadv ' to my command above?

    PS: I have a 2.53ghz MBP
    the command is ./fah6 -bigadv -smp 8 -local replace with 16 for 16 cores

    a MP with 8 cores takes 3+ days out of 6 so it's doubtful a 2.53GHz 2 core would do it by the deadline

    M. Malone
    Oct 24, 02:05 AM
    this is OG stiff one

    it appears you forgot about that light that dims and brightens when the machine sleeps :D

    Apr 26, 02:44 PM
    I think that these two quotes from Tim Cook during the last Apple quarterly call, put the nail in the coffin:

    "We've got the largest app store ..."

    "... iPhone's integrated approach is materially better than Android's fragmented approach, where you have multiple OSs on multiple devices with different screen resolutions and multiple app stores with different ... "

    Since Apple itself uses the word generically, I don't see how anyone can argue that it's not.

    Apr 21, 12:19 PM
    Viruses collecting data on iOS?

    ... :confused:

    It doesn't exist now, but that's not to say it might never happen in the future.

    Jan 1, 05:55 PM
    I don't think there's been any compelling evidence to support that, sadly. At least, several very seemingly viable component technologies, such as ULV C2D's, are not available yet.

    not only that, but none of the rumors really pointed to MWSF for a compact Macbook.


    Sep 15, 09:00 AM
    No, you are missing the point. Yes auto manufactures have recalls all the time and yes the customer has to come in to get it fixed on previous purchases. HOWEVER, they also fix all NEW automobiles before continue to sell to new customers. Apple isn't doing that, and that is CR's complaint.

    If it was a safety issue, as with cars, Apple would do the same thing. But it's not, so it's silly to to conflate the two. That was not the intent of my analogy, and that's being missed by those focusing on the trees.