> Kanimozhi Buzz: Denning And Fourcade
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Denning And Fourcade

Denning And Fourcade. External links
  • External links

  • tigress666
    Apr 10, 01:08 PM
    Honestly, I think what will be a major deciding factor on how well the iphone/android does against dedicated handhelds is how many developers decide to also put their games on the iphone/android as well as how many very good and unique to the handheld game the handhelds get (basically can these people deciding if they are also going to buy a handheld on top of their smartphone still play the games they want on their smartphone even if it isn't as good as an experience on the hand held? I think many people might decide it's not worth buying that extra handheld long as they can get the games they want to play on the device they already have. And that there aren't games that entice them to get the handheld that they can't get on their smartphone).

    I don't think a 3D screen is going to make a big difference more than just game availability (for example the 3d screen is neat to look at, but I wouldn't buy the 3Ds for that. I'm more likely to be enticed by the new Sony hand held coming out as I suspect it more likely will attract the games I want to play. So far I'm less than impressed with the games out on the 3Ds. And I know I"m very disappointed in the type of games Nintendo tends to attract. My mom gave me her wii and I still haven't found a game I want to buy for it :( ). I think having some really good games that you can't get on the smartphones will be what convinces people that it is worth it to buy that extra device.

    But in the end, when talking about gaming systems, it doesn't matter how good your hardware is, the most important deciding factor is games available. You could have the best hardware in the world, the best designed controller, the prettiest screen, but it won't amount to a hill of beans if you can't attract a good amount of *good* games.

    Denning And Fourcade. Wardrobe basics.
  • Wardrobe basics.

  • Red-red
    Apr 9, 07:25 PM
    It's quite obvious what Apple are doing.

    They're not going to make a console as such because it's a cumbersome solution. What they'll do is continue to improve and expand their current iOS platform and the games involved.

    The "console" solution they're working on is quite simple. Airplay. If the rumours are true about Apple trying to licence the tech and if we go by the relatively cheap Apple TV iteration the future is staring you in the face.

    Your iPhone, iPod or iPad will become the console or the controller in the tradition console sense. Games will be sent wirelessly without lag to the TV where others can join in with their own iOS devices. The devices can change depending on the game and the flexibility of the touch screen. Once you've finished you take your iOS device with you and carry on playing on the go.

    Apple will never make a traditional games console. It isn't in their DNA to make something so vulgar. They'll simply integrate experiences into a whole. Airplay is the way they'll do it in regards to the TV.

    Denning And Fourcade. Abidat describes the role
  • Abidat describes the role

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 09:27 PM
    Jesus the poor Japanese,don't take this as fact as it's happening now but reports coming in of new tsunami from recent after shock plus reports of another hydrogen/oxygen explosion from number three reactor at the affected plant.
    (Tsunami report maybe false)


    Denning And Fourcade. Mr McJonathan-Swarm in 1969,
  • Mr McJonathan-Swarm in 1969,

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 26, 03:05 AM
    Love conquers all until it hits a rough patch

    If you really love someone, surely you don't want to be with anyone else? If so, then it would be pretty moronic not to ultimately work out your issues with the other person.


    Denning And Fourcade. General
  • General

  • appleguy123
    Mar 24, 08:35 PM
    I didn't realize that the Catholic Church had an irrational fear of homosexuals. Since the Catholic Church has an irrational fear of homosexuals could you please help me figure out the growing outreach (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courage_International) to homosexuals?

    You can't be serious.
    We don't fear homosexuals. We just want them to live alone for all of their lives, as it is what God would have wanted.
    An 'outreach to homosexuals' would be trying to find common ground between your religion and their orientation. Not sentencing them to a life of chastity to please your loving god.
    Would you also live your entire life chastely, actively cursing every lustful thought you have(as jesus said if you lust you have already committed adultery in your heart)? It would show that you can empathize with the action plan your church advocates for homosexuals.


    Denning And Fourcade. 2009 Ogden Phipps Handicap
  • 2009 Ogden Phipps Handicap

  • stcanard
    Mar 18, 12:13 PM
    But it can be fixed by possibly: Encrypting (or Changing the way it is encrypted) the AAC file on the transfer from itms to the player.
    or force the player to send the authorize code to apple to wrap on <i> their</i> servers before send it back to the player.

    If they do the server fix it'll take more than a day.

    And it will take Jon a day to figure out how the iTunes client generates that key and spoof it. Again by definition DRM has to be insecure, because the client must have all the information necessary to break it.

    In interviews Steve Jobs has gone on record saying that unbreakable DRM is impossible. What you're seeing from Apple is a "good enough" strategy. After all, they don't really care, it's only there to appease the RIAA.

    Does anybody have more of an idea on how the DRM wrapping is done and how the undrmed file is transfered?

    There's a good overview of what's happening at Ars.

    Basically the issue (and I hadn't thought about this) is that the song has to be individually encrypted for each client; that's how its made playable on your system not other people's. Because they're using Akamai to cache and distribute the files they can't distribute pre-encrypted ones! (The analogy is it would be like libraries carrying a copy of the book for everyone who might borrow it). Apple can't link everything back to their servers as you'd bottleneck it.

    Instead its your copy of iTunes that's actually adding the DRM (and that's probably why the new Motorola phone won't let you buy directly from the store, it can't add the DRM).

    It's an interesting problem. I would bet you will find this hole in WMA stores for the same reason. Of course Jon prefers to target the source that will get him headlines.

    Apple will make another "good enough" fix to block it for another 6 months. But they really don't care. Although externally they "care", I bet internally it doesn't particularly bother them because ITMS is so big that the record companies can't afford to pull out of it.


    Denning And Fourcade. Simple Math
  • Simple Math

  • arkitect
    Mar 12, 04:46 AM
    Thanks Olly, I was wondering how hydrogen could explode, not exactly flammable really is it?




    Denning And Fourcade. a famous court battle
  • a famous court battle

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 12, 01:40 PM
    .....................................I am now convinced that many people who post in these forums are stupid(not refering to u sbarton) , If half these dumb comments went up on Xtremesystems/THG/Anandtech Forums people would get laughed at right out of the forums. Please if you do not have any sort of technical knowledge please do not post ignorant comments about how conroe deserves to go into an iMac and MacPro is too good for it.

    I find it very disturbing that while many of the forums I just mentioned are salivating for conroe chips to hit retail , the mac snobs in this forum act like it's some bastardized step child to woodcrest. Lets me tell you noob's something after seeing Coolaler hit 4ghz on a Kentsfield nothing impresses me anymore. lets see your MacPro score 2000 in Cinebench and render in 11secs.

    I can't wait till august so when i get my Conore i can break all your hearts. when u see my Conroe clock up at 3.6ghz and blow that overpriced MacPro trash out of the water. Then please tell me that Core 2 belongs in an iMac.
    I swear you people deserve to be stuck with IBM/Freescale for another 5yrs.

    .......................................................................APPLE IS USING INTEL STOCK PARTS[/B] incase you didn't know , so mixing the MacPro with Conroe/Woody would not cost a dime more. they will use a basic P965 chipset for Conroe and 5000X Chipset for Woody.

    uhm, where does that come from?:confused:

    so, why should your conroe based machine blow a mac out of the water? we don't know the specs yet. and as you state yourself they are going to use standard intel stuff. so speedwise they should be equal to any other PC. only twice as expensive.:p

    aside of that most people here were rather positive towards the intel switch. and most want a conroe based midrange mac. so why this post?:confused:


    Denning And Fourcade. Reference for Rothschild
  • Reference for Rothschild

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 05:59 PM
    The freedom of women is an archaic subject. It is established that women generally had less rights as we go back in time.If it was the Word of God™ itself that came from Mohammed's lips, then surely it would sound less like the word of a warlike, bigoted misogynist. Jesus' words are remarkably peaceful and inclusive by comparison. Paul of course, and other "spokesmen" for the organisation, added all kinds of glosses and amendments which were not part of Jesus' original message as transmitted to us.

    Anything that goes against Western Values is evil to me... or at least anathema. I don't like the term evil, it's too christian... as is anathema for that matter.Perhaps we can agree on haram? :)

    Denning And Fourcade. General
  • General

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 18, 08:47 AM
    Here's a newsflash: Just because you put something into a contract doesn't make it legal or make it fair. What if AT&T stipulated that they were allowed to come by your house and give you a wedgie every time you checked your voicemail...? Would you still be screaming about how its "justified" because its written on some lop-sided, legalese-ridden piece of paper?

    No, because that is clearly retarded.


    Denning And Fourcade. She loves painting for
  • She loves painting for

  • tigress666
    Apr 9, 11:59 AM
    I am firmly against poaching executives. They should always be deep-fried.

    Bah! Stir-frying is better! Healthier too.

    Denning And Fourcade. What started your passion for
  • What started your passion for

  • tkermit
    Mar 15, 07:29 PM
    There's too much hysteria over this. This plant has been hit by a force 9 earthquake and a tsunami and yet although some radiation has been released this is by no means anything like as serious as Chernobyl.

    A cold comfort considering it is now already thought to be close to a level 6 incident on the INES scale. :(


    Denning And Fourcade. View from one taxi to another.
  • View from one taxi to another.

  • Cheerwino
    Apr 9, 08:32 PM
    "In my day" a hardcore gamer was someone that custom built a gaming rig consisting of no less then 2 graphics cards (add a third and get SLI + PhysX), each costing at least if not more then a single PS3, the most expensive 'extreme' cpu they could find, and a small nuclear power plant for a PSU, then boasting about their 3D Mark scores.

    Hmmm, in my day, a hardcore gamer was someone with a pocket full of quarters.;)

    Denning And Fourcade. Susan Klope sits among her
  • Susan Klope sits among her

  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 08:51 AM
    If AT&T were to allow tethering with unlimited, they know that ASAP people would start dropping their home internet en masse. Not saying everyone would, but plenty would for the same reason they dropped their home landline telephone. Will this happen eventualy anyway - yes. But AT&T, as the provider has the right to do as they see fit for their business and their shareholders.

    While you might not use more data via tethering, if it were allowed with no extra charges, and on unlimited plans, AT&T would see a huge spike in usage that would not go down - and they would be doing so without any increase in their revenues (in fact, they'd see a decrease as noted above).


    Denning And Fourcade. zones.
  • zones.

  • Little Endian
    Mar 18, 10:32 AM
    Meh... I use MyWi occasionally, meaning only once or twice every TWO months.

    I love tethering but it is not worth it for me to spend an extra $25+ a MONTH or more for a feature that I rarely use. I will stick to my unlimited plan on a jailbroken phone using mywi for now. I have not received any texts or emails yet about my activity and doubt I will.

    Now I would spend an extra $5-10 a month if ATT offered tethering with a 5-10 Gigabyte total data cap on both phone and tethering usage. Spending an extra $25+ to be on a capped 2-4GB plan is BuL*Sh&^ if it means that I have to give up my unlimited plan as well as unrestricted 3G via My3G.

    ATT could use better price discrimination policies. There are many people who would like tethering, unrestricted 3G etc, who are more than willing to pay. Many would also give up unlimited data as long as ATT gave quality service at a decent price.


    Denning And Fourcade. Porcelain Chamber from Dubsky
  • Porcelain Chamber from Dubsky

  • stunna
    Jul 12, 03:19 AM
    I hate to say it but since I got my macbook black I have been using winxp and not osx. XP runs faster, is compatible with all apps like photoshop and office natively and runs perfectly. I have been very impressed. So impressed that I decided to build a core 2 duo desktop from newegg and I did it for Under $900. Now lets see apple top that pricing. (core 2 duo chip on order from buy.com)

    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X. I got the media center edition OS with the new computer I am building with dual tuner TV card. Watching tv via my xbox 360 is a dream. Mac will never be able to accomplish this task. Front row sucks.

    If I bought a new mac pro (which I won't because its going to be a rippoff) I would just run XP on it.

    For instance, I got two Radeon 16xPCIe X1600xt supporting crossfire with 512mb ram each from newegg for $120 each. Everything is just cheaper.

    After a while you get to a point in your work where you realize seeing the neat apple OS is just not that important. Not when you can run crappy XP (which sorry to disappoint never crashes) for 1/3rd the price and 4x the speed.

    Comon apple, make a media center mac and figure out a way to use PC graphics cards. After spending $500 on my Radeon 800xt with 256mb ram I wil l NEVER do it again. Not when I can get dual crossfire cards for half the price and 4x the performance.

    I guess I am a half reverse switcher. Using macbook pro but XP only. LOL!
    You are a smart man.
    no sarcasim or anything i'm being serious
    At the end of the day you gotta tell yourself why pay more and get less


    Denning And Fourcade. Im Weingut Georg Fritz von
  • Im Weingut Georg Fritz von

  • coal
    Sep 20, 12:42 AM
    So this can play any video file in iTunes then? Great, that's what I was waiting to hear. For some reason I convinved myself that Apple would only permit videos tagged as originating from their store. I know it sounds ridiculous, but as media companies keep pushing for control over content, it seemed inevitable that such restrictions would be enforced (particularly since Tivo Series 3 is such a closed system).

    Also, hard drive? Wow.

    Denning And Fourcade. From Wikipedia, the free
  • From Wikipedia, the free

  • TheFink
    Oct 10, 11:37 AM
    Originally posted by alex_ant
    My arse is capable of making 8-pound turds, but whether or not I eat enough baked beans to take advantage of that is another issue entirely. In other words,

    18 gigaflops = about as likely as an 8-pound turd in my toilet. Possible, yes (under the most severely ridiculous condtions). Real-world, no.

    Do you have any pics of your closest attempt at an 8 lb turd?

    Denning And Fourcade. In yet another view of the
  • In yet another view of the

  • Thanatoast
    Sep 20, 03:16 PM
    Why in the world are so many people complaining about the lack of a DVR and DVD?

    In the case of the DVR, what the heck are you people watching? The last time I saw cable (Dish Network) there were over two hundred channels, and not one thing I wanted to see. I'd much rather pay for a season pass for the one or two shows worth watching than around $60 for cable + Tivo every month.

    Yes, I know, that puts me outside the norm. But I can use the time to read a book, cook a good meal, or go running/work out. All better uses of time than sitting in front of entertainment programing that is 1/3 ads and 2/3 not worth watching.

    As for the DVD player issue, Apple wants you to buy your movies from them. They neither need nor want a DVD player on this device. If you already own a movie on DVD, rip it for goodness' sake. Large collections of DVD's look impressive, but really all they do is take up space.

    My conclusion: drop the cable + Tivo - save money, time and brain cells. Only watch the content you're willing to pay for rather than letting Hollywood/Madison Ave shove whatever they wish down your throat while you slowly vegetate.


    Mar 18, 08:53 AM
    I didn't say it was right, but you still signed that contract. Not at&t's fault.

    Not AT&Ts fault for selling unlimited data that they've violated and chose to limit?

    Stfup, you have no idea what you're talking about.

    AT&T, you've stepped over the line. I've contacted my attorney about this issue months ago letting him know something needs to be done about this flagrant misuse of the word unlimited, and AT&Ts attempts to back out of their commitment.

    Forcibly changing my plan with zero evidence of anything is illegal and they will pay for it. Tme to start blasting them on Facebook, twitter, everywhere possible.


    Jul 12, 09:29 AM
    Spooky - I predicted this. Me and everyone else except a couple naysayers. I only buy laptops though, so I'm not really the target market. But I think this will be on every graphic designers desk by Xmas. Go Apple and Intel!

    Yup, I agree. companies need to expire their annual budget by Q4, so they're just lookin' for things to buy at that time. I saw it all the time at Xerox. The account rep's would scrape and scrounge for sales for the first 9 months, start getting easier sales in October and November [since it's Q4], and then they ould just sit back and wait for sales to come to them from customers that [i]had[/b] to buy things before the end of the year and spend their remaining allocated budget, otherwise their budget would get cut for the following year.

    Maybe for Easter we'll get Adobe CS3 in a colorful egg or frilly basket. :rolleyes:

    Adobe blows.:mad:



    Mar 19, 08:21 PM
    anyone got a link to Mac PyMusique downloads or is it Windows only?But the name implies it's written in Python and should be cross platform, I'd assume.


    Mar 18, 08:35 AM
    OMG you still done get it:

    Let's try explaining it this way...

    When you subscribe to cable, you pick a package that provides you with the channels that you want. There are various packages, but ultimately it's all just video streaming over a cable (bits in this day and age, not analog)...

    Based on yours and others arguements, why can't we all just pay for basic cable and get all 500+ channels plus the premium channels for free? Very simply, you're paying for a package with specific features....

    No no, as long as you abide by the amount of data in the plan it should not matter how you use it.

    You can't steal what you paid for, you buy 100 cable channels that is what you get and use

    You buy 2gb and use 1gb you have used 1gb no matter if its on the phone or laptop. 1gb= 1gb

    With your cellular service, you chose a package that meets your needs. You have 3 options for data plans at this point, well, 4 technically...

    1) Your grandfathered unlimited plan

    2) 250mb

    3) Data Pro 2GB

    4) Data Pro 2GB + Tethering 2GB for a total of 4GB....
    Ok? the tethering give you 2gb for the money I see that and I have read the tethering and Data pro are added to total 4gb for the charge. So you and At&t prove my point thank you! Data=Data, they add it together and it is the same.

    Tethering is not the same as using the data on your device, essentially tethering is using your phone as a modem. You data plan (which I'm assuming is either unlimited or 250mb) does not include the feature of using your phone as a modem, that's what the extra charge is for....

    If you want to tether, you need to pay for the appropriate package. Just like if you want HBO, Showtime, or HDTV you need to pay for the appropriate cable package...

    LOL no its the same use of Data as on the phone.
    Tethering does not do something different to AT&t, its just using Data
    you may not understand how Data is used from the source but I assure you there is no difference to AT&t when you tether and when you surf YOUTUBE on the phone.
    To At&t Data=Data and its been their words not mine every time its printed by them.

    So far I have not seen an argument that proves otherwise.:rolleyes:


    Mar 25, 04:18 PM
    By mainstream Catholic I mean someone who follows all the rules of the Catholic Church.

    The Catholic view does not demand the death of homosexuals, instead it seeks to change the behavior for they are lost sheep.

    If that's what you mean by mainstream catholic, then i think i can safely say that less than 1% of the world in mainstream catholic. I honestly don't know one single catholic that follows all the rules of the catholic church. Really, not one. And i know lots of catholics.

    And what do you mean by change their behavior? You mean make them straight? Not gonna happen, and the church will never win this one.
