> Kanimozhi Buzz: funciones del lenguaje
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

funciones del lenguaje

funciones del lenguaje. y funciones del Lenguaje
  • y funciones del Lenguaje

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 23, 06:42 PM
    That's what it might look like from your shores. Fortunately, the world and life isn't so black and white.

    I don't know what shores you think I live on, or what is fortunate about being subjective in terms of intervening into security concerns or human tragedy.

    funciones del lenguaje. FUNCIONES DEL LENGUAJE Y EL

  • laidbackliam
    Aug 7, 10:39 AM
    I'd like to see your "Mac" model bumped up past the iMac. I think a lot of people, myself included, would pay a premium for the ability to upgrade. In fact, I wouldn't care if they didn't offer a completely new model as long as they offer some "affordable" manifestations of the Mac Pro. So how's this (and go easy on me here because I rarely delve into the technical aspect of things):


    yes, but i see the price point being under the iMac still. but again, this is just something i'd LIKE to see, and don't expect. and i know some people would pay a premium. but i'm not some people.

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones del lenguaje.
  • funciones del lenguaje.

  • MacinDoc
    Aug 26, 08:39 PM
    I agree. But I refuse to buy any "So-Called" MacBook Pro until they have implemented the easy access HD professional feature they put in the MacBook. I would rather buy a C2D MacBook with that feature than ever buy a MBP without it. :mad:
    Apple has, on occasion, introduced new or upgraded features on its consumer computers when those computers were refreshed between refresh cycles of their professional computers. For example, at one time, the iMac had a faster SuperDrive than the Power Mac. Of course, with the next refresh of the pro computers, the new/upgraded features seen previously in the consumer products have always been added.

    funciones del lenguaje. Aparece cuando el lenguaje
  • Aparece cuando el lenguaje

  • maclaptop
    Apr 14, 04:48 PM
    still, you cannot say the iphone is the best smartphone on the market, just as someone else can't say the atrix is the best. Different strokes for different folks!


    funciones del lenguaje. Funciones del lenguaje.
  • Funciones del lenguaje.

  • ThomasJL
    Mar 26, 09:07 AM
    I really want Lion, for the number one reason being TRIM support. I eagerly want to finally start using an SSD (specifically one from Crucial, since they make the fastest ones on the market), but have avoided doing so since the latest version Snow Leopard does not support TRIM.

    It's a shame Apple is waiting so long to finally include TRIM support. Windows 7 already includes it.

    I think I'll wait until 10.7.3 comes out before upgrading, though. If there are bugs in the TRIM implementation, I fear it may corrupt data.

    funciones del lenguaje. 36 funciones en lenguaje
  • 36 funciones en lenguaje

  • Evangelion
    Sep 19, 06:17 AM
    Key word being DESKTOPS.

    Again: NT was widely used on desktops. Maybe not by your Average Joe, but LOTS of people used it on the desktop. I used NT-workstation back when I studied, my friend used NT on his PC, lots and lots of companies ran NT, the list goes on. Hell, there were propably an order of magnitude more NT-desktops out there that there were Macs of any type!

    I still don't know personally anyone who uses OS X. Does that mean that no-one uses it?

    MP machines were server based long before they were included in desktops. I'd like to see where people had dual Xeon based DESKTOPS 'cause I've never seen it.

    There were plenty of people running SMP-systems. I personally knew two guys who had SMP-PC's. Just because you haven't seen anyone use one, does not mean that they weren't there.

    funciones del lenguaje. ¡Funciones del lenguaje!
  • ¡Funciones del lenguaje!

  • pavetheforest
    Sep 15, 09:44 PM
    Dude I'm going to sell my dell.

    funciones del lenguaje. Funciones del lenguaje.
  • Funciones del lenguaje.

  • rjohnstone
    Apr 25, 03:00 PM
    ya.. not like it's on right on the "features" page of iphone's website, ( http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/ .) It isn't like they have a whole page about it, ( http://www.apple.com/iphone/features/maps-compass.html .)

    Who would think the an electronic device such as an iPhone would know your exactly location? And why would any cache information locally when the same exactly information can be gotten over a slow, inconsistent connection?
    Location services is not the same as storing every place you've ever been.
    Why does the db never get cleared?

    If location info is required for an app, why would I want to use info from possibly over a year ago that may no longer be accurate?

    I won't put on a tinfoil hat just yet. For now I'll just chalk this issue up to sloppy programming. ;)

    Same on the iPhone... this is not what we're talking about here. Application tracking has always been opt in or out.

    This is just a database of cell tower pings. That's all. it's shared with NO ONE and goes nowhere except on your phone. It's like your web browser cache.
    Apple still fails to answer the question of "why?"
    Why do they need it if it is not used?

    I know why a web browser has a cache. At least the web browser is smart enough to clean that up after a while.

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones del lenguaje,
  • funciones del lenguaje,

  • Dave00
    Aug 7, 03:50 PM
    Well, looks like Apple has figured out what to do with all that extra space most of us have on our hard drives. Even though only changes are saved, it seems like this will take up an enormous amount of space, especially for multimedia files like movies, etc. Plus, if only changes are stored, it would seem that to restore a file would entail starting with the original, and applying all the changes since then - wouldn't that take quite a long time? And saving a file would probably take longer too... smells like alot of system slowdown. Still, I'll be very impressed if this actually works without a huge number of bugs - it has to be a phenomenally complicated task to keep track of everything. And it LOOKS really cool. :)


    funciones del lenguaje. Funciones del lenguaje:
  • Funciones del lenguaje:

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 20, 03:22 PM
    But what about the MacBook!! *weeps*
    I guess Macbooks will get Merom as soon as Merom is cheaper than the current Yonah and the Yonah Macbooks are sold out. And that might be pretty soon actually. By the way, Merom is pin compatible so Apple can just swap Ypnah for Merom. The user will have a hard time to do this, as the processor in Macbooks are soldered on. But in iMacs, no problemo.

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones del lenguaje.
  • funciones del lenguaje.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:08 PM
    Is every app in the app store of the same caliber as those few apps you named?

    Did I say that? No. (Strawman alert.) But there are a lot. Far more than you'll find for Honeycomb, despite mobilehavoc's contention to the contrary.

    I'm sure you'll be the first to dance happy around when in the future finally some 5 year old Android apps/games will get ported to iOS like it is now with Windows/MacOS.

    Ah, Android gaming. You seem to have things reversed in your head:


    funciones del lenguaje. las Funciones del lenguaje
  • las Funciones del lenguaje

  • ugp
    Jun 11, 09:23 AM
    I'm on a conf call and just got word about the early openings. As soon as i get to work in a minute ill post all the info i have. :)

    Please let me know ASAP! :D

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones de lenguaje
  • funciones de lenguaje

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 09:40 AM
    Well next time say what you mean. It makes more sense. ;)

    I did but instead of saying core at the end I said processor :D Which is the same thing so i didnt think it would matter. :p

    funciones del lenguaje. de funciones del lenguaje
  • de funciones del lenguaje

  • JeffDM
    Sep 16, 04:39 PM
    You are right. However, you try to tell consumers "Well we are moving to 2.4Ghz chips" after you just had 2.66Ghz and 3.0Ghz chips. It isnt going to work.

    If today, Dell decided to move there whole line back to 1Ghz processors, nobody would buy. Unfortunetly the Ghz myth is a strong as its ever been. Taking a step backward is not an option.

    It's already happened, just not in as a melodramatic way as you suggest (back to 1GHz? geez). AMD took a small step back, Hz wise when they introduced dual core, though it still advanced their "+" processor ratings I suppose that few noticed the actual clock reduction. Intel took a major step back Hz wise between Netburst and Core 2. The 5000 and 5100 series Xeon CPUs demonstrate this, you can get a Dell precision 690 with 3.73GHz Netburst based chips or the same 690 with 3.0GHz Core2 based chips.

    So I don't think that a quad core Xeon running at 2.66GHz is going to be hurt too much in comparison to a dual core 3.0GHz, it's still a much more powerful processor.

    Didn't you get the memo, PowerPC is dead. WTF does that have to do with anything? Do you just have this Pavlovian response to the word "Hyperthreading"?

    PPC isn't dead, it's just not in new desktops anymore. IBM is making them (or at least co-designed them) for all the next generation game consoles and a lot of huge supercomputers.

    funciones del lenguaje. ¡Funciones del lenguaje!
  • ¡Funciones del lenguaje!

  • NikeTalk
    Apr 11, 12:36 PM
    Enough with all the damn secrets. What other company keeps you in the dark about their products?! I've noticed a lot of people get tired of the same old waiting game with the iPhone and go ahead and get something else. Sometimes they like it and stick to the brand instead of Apple. This secrecy strategy was good at first but now it's starting to work against Apple.

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones del lenguaje
  • funciones del lenguaje

  • JAT
    Mar 22, 02:06 PM
    I'm glad that RIM and Samsung come with those prices.
    Next months will be crucial for me to decide the successor of my iPad 1.
    Come: present tense. See: iPad2
    Will come: future tense. See: Samsung tablet.
    May come: conditional tense. See: RIM tablet.

    funciones del lenguaje. y funciones del lenguaje
  • y funciones del lenguaje

  • kutsushita
    Jun 12, 12:54 PM
    Another potential problem...

    How many iPhone 4s is Radio Shack going to
    have in stock on first day of sale?

    It's not like they are the Apple or AT&T store.

    If I could be assured of a phone on day one
    from Radio Shack the deal would be a pretty
    good one.

    All the radio shacks in Houston sold around 67k evos first day (or so I was told by a manager.)

    If anyone is in Houston and shops the galleria they've started a preorder list at the location next to the sanrio store. The manager said they will be opening early on the 24th as well.

    funciones del lenguaje. La Función Emotiva, no suele
  • La Función Emotiva, no suele

  • charlituna
    Apr 11, 10:00 PM
    This is bunk. Apple will not miss Christmas.

    Dear Steve.
    I read on macrumors.com that the new iPhone won't be ready for Christmas. What should we do.
    -- Santa.

    Dear Santa.
    Move Christmas.
    -- Steve

    funciones del lenguaje. funciones intelectuales y
  • funciones intelectuales y

  • zacman
    Apr 19, 02:34 PM
    Sigh. The iPhone is still gaining market share. Not losing market share.

    You're wrong. Apple is losing marketshare for over 2 years now. Just because they are selling MORE iPhones doesn't mean they are gaining marketshare. The market grows much faster than the iPhone sales. Have a look at Nokia: In Q4/10 Nokia sold almost 7 million more smartphones but they lost about 10% marketshare. In Q1/11 Apple lost about 2% marketshare despite the fact that they sold about 2.5 million more iPhones. Just read the latest GfK numbers (needs registered account), it's all in there. NDP numbers for Q1/11 will be released next week if you trust them more.

    Apr 11, 01:03 PM
    Ive had my 3GS since launch and my contract will end same date in june i got my phone.

    I was hoping to wait MAYBE a month or 2, but if this holds up true, and they dont tell us at WDDC, they just expect us to wait, I will GLADLY go with a HTC Dual Core Android or Samsung Galaxy Dual Core Android because my 3GS is @ 512 cycles and its barely starting to hold 7 hours anymore, I need a new phone but Im waiting.

    Also whats ironic is, apple care ends at the same time, and I was hoping that apple would keep the 2 year cycle going so every 2 years you just "rotate" out. Dad had a 3G, next year I got a 3GS, next year he got a 4, this year I was gonna get a 5. If they **** up that cycle, ill call it quits on Apple.

    I love the iPhone, but im not going 2 1/2 years with a phone that wont hold a charge in a few months.

    They better give us an explanation, or im done with apple.

    Nov 29, 12:35 AM
    Heeeeeeell Nooooooo.

    Eat my shorts Universal.

    Mar 26, 07:48 AM
    I can't wait to get my hands on Lion! It looks pretty cool!

    Phat Elvis
    Aug 11, 10:27 AM
    I would love to see a smartphone from Apple. Palm reliability is in the gutter and it doesn't look like Apple (or anyone else) is into making PDA's.

    I just hope that we don't have to re-buy any music from iTunes just to play on the phone.

    I'm really glad that this rumor cleared things up about when an Apple phone will be released :rolleyes: .

    Sep 1, 08:45 AM
    I'm going to use my $20 credit from Metroid to pre order this...