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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

bieber fever shirt

bieber fever shirt. Justin Bieber / Fever Stacked
  • Justin Bieber / Fever Stacked

  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 03:29 PM
    this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the worlds says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

    i highly doubt that many computer buyers even look at Macs.

    i don't think they look at iMacs or eMacs and think that they are crippled compared to PMs and decide to go get dells instead. i simply don't believe that many of them go that far.

    most of them "know" computers as running windows and purchased from dell catalog they get with their newspaper each week.

    if they know anything about Macs at all, they know Macs as expensive and upon seeing that the base model eMacs cost $800, they go back to ordering $400 dell.

    mac's marketshare has dwindled - that's a fact - but i don't think it's because customers think iMacs and eMacs are crippled computers. i think it's because they are simply unaware of Macs or think they are too expensive, period, not in comparison to PMs.

    bieber fever shirt. Bieber+fever+shirt
  • Bieber+fever+shirt

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    ^^ Ach, Miata. *shudder*

    I try, as a rule, not to drive or ride in a car smaller than myself. :D

    bieber fever shirt. ieber fever! Shirt
  • ieber fever! Shirt

  • afrowq
    Apr 20, 10:15 PM
    I think that's one of the reasons why Apple has held off with the iMac upgrade. They wanted the MacBook Pro to be ahead for a few months because it's a "pro" model line.

    When I don't see hipsters, students, and soccer moms using Macbook "Pros" at Starbucks, then I'll believe that it's a "Pro" model

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  • T-Shirts Design

  • Deej
    Oct 23, 06:44 AM
    Could it *really* be true....??? :D

    bieber fever shirt. ieber fever shirt. ieber
  • ieber fever shirt. ieber

  • yg17
    Mar 22, 01:51 PM
    You're right, I apologize for being incorrect on the pledge.

    I have some shoe strings, a piece of gum and a ball of lint.

    Maybe we're just confused how someone who claims to be a director of IT (and presumably takes some college to become) can fail so hard at basic history.

    I'm not here to remember everything I learned, especially in a class I could have cared less about. If you asked me about "pythagorean theorem" I couldn't even answer that. Just because you are wrong on a piece of history doesn't mean your wrong on all other subjects (aside from math which I have stated that).[/QUOTE]

    I may not know the pythagorean theorem either, but if I'm going to participate in a debate over the pythagorean theorem, I'm going to make damn sure I know it.

    bieber fever shirt. Bieber Fever Shirt
  • Bieber Fever Shirt

  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:39 AM
    So the only way to use a thumb drive or download photos from a camera or sync your iPod/iPhone is through your dock when you're at home???

    This IS the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while.

    Yeah I guess there are a lot of problems with this.

    But how cool would it be if the sides were completely clean. Maybe they could have a USB and audio output one the side that has a cover that slides over when it is not being used.

    I remember when wifi came out and there were all of these commercials about how there were no wires.

    But now there will never be any wires ever.

    I am just wishful thinking and do not actually know about the complexity that this kind of charging entails but it sounds cool if it worked.

    bieber fever shirt. ieber fever shirt.
  • ieber fever shirt.

  • Evangelion
    Sep 1, 12:21 PM
    i don't think this rumor will come out to be true because this might take a lot of people from getting Mac Pro

    so what?*What makes you think that Apple would be earning any less by selling 23" iMacs than Mac Pro's?*It doesn't really matter to Apple that do they earn X million dollars selling Mac Pro's or iMacs, as lomg as they do earn money.

    As to this being a home-theater setup... sorry, not gonna fly. While 23" is a big size for a monitor, it's still a lot less than the 32 - 42" televisions people have.

    bieber fever shirt. Bieber Fever What Has Two
  • Bieber Fever What Has Two

  • VanNess
    Jul 20, 02:27 AM
    Most likely it would work exactly like how a normal streamed QuickTime movie downloads. It buffers for a few minutes, and then you can start watching it, and it downloads in the background, and saves it to file letting you watch it again for X times/days. This is exactly how Movielink works.

    Ah, ok, thanks for the info. I never used Movielink and I'm not familiar with it. I've never steamed any content that would even approximate the length of a hollywood movie, with the possible exception of S. Jobs keynotes. So far, H264 seems to serve those very well. (Except for the first week or so, when it seems the server is bombarded.) In any event, I don't think that content is actually downloaded to disk as its streamed.

    On the other hand, movie trailers (like Apple Quicktime trailers) are downloaded in the background to some secret location on the disk as they are watched, and, although they usually perform well, occasionally they hiccup (stall momentarily) for whatever reason (traffic, general internet latency), sometimes even the regular non-HD ones. So if Movielink has figured out a way to provide a bulletproof buffer for streaming high-quality (DVD) content over regular US DSL, great. Maybe Apple can one-up them with even higher, H264 quality.

    But if the stream ever stalls, even momentarily, count me out. My gauge for judging (and accepting) any online Movie service is that it must meet or exceed the present terrestrial-based DVD experience. There is a local DVD rental store within 2 blocks of where I live. That modest, unassuming little establishment happens to be Apple's and Movielink's greatest competition in my book. They have to give me a compelling reason not to go there.

    bieber fever shirt. this girl has ieber fever
  • this girl has ieber fever

  • Primejimbo
    Mar 22, 04:49 PM
    I will just continue to use my iphone as my ipod like everyone else.......

    Sent from my Iphone

    I have a classic and an iPhone....
    I use both and always will

    bieber fever shirt. I+got+ieber+fever+shirt
  • I+got+ieber+fever+shirt

  • Joshknightmare
    Apr 19, 08:44 PM
    >Thunder Bolt
    >Sandy Bridge quad
    >8GB RAM 1666Mhz (standard)
    >5000 - 6000 ATI Radeon HD
    >30" Inch/24" Inch
    >HD Cam

    My predictions/wishes.

    bieber fever shirt. ieber fever id card. ieber
  • ieber fever id card. ieber

  • slffl
    Oct 23, 09:55 AM
    As I am waiting for a revision to get a new macbook pro, i really hope when they do update them, it's a major overhaul with a bunch of new goodies. I'm not saying the current design is bad, but I've had my 17" PB for 3.5 years and I just need something new.

    bieber fever shirt. this girl has ieber fever
  • this girl has ieber fever

  • FoxyKaye
    Jun 23, 12:00 PM
    iOS on a real Mac seems about as pointless as Microsoft Bob on Windows.

    Granted, there are some highly innovative aspects to iOS, and integrating some of these into a desktop computer OS would be beneficial.

    But gods help us all of iOS and OS X merge at some point - as was pointed out on Slashdot just today, it would create a fully media DRM-locked, Apple-controlled application distribution center. Which would be very beneficial to Apple, but not so much to the consumer.

    Although speculation that this will happen is rampant, as exemplified by the ARS Technica article today: http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2010/06/developers-expect-ios-and-mac-os-to-merge-over-time.ars

    In the meantime, it has been well over a year since either the XServe or Mac Pro have seen an update (despite charging through the roof for last year's technology), and Apple hasn't said anything about 10.7. That should be enough of an indicator right there.

    bieber fever shirt. Turquoise bieber_fever1
  • Turquoise bieber_fever1

  • Pentad
    Mar 24, 01:24 PM
    I think this is good news. Now, good Apple, could you optimize your drivers to be on par with their Windows counterparts?

    bieber fever shirt. T-shirt proudly fever to tags
  • T-shirt proudly fever to tags

  • longsilver
    Sep 5, 08:21 AM
    Well, the US store is down anyways. UK and Ireland are still up. Anyone checked any others?

    bieber fever shirt. its a ieber, , took Fever
  • its a ieber, , took Fever

  • steviem
    Mar 18, 07:46 AM
    The only way to impose a no fly zone is to have your fighter jets and bombers in the region. Also they have to destroy/disarm Libya's SAMs and possibly destroy/disable Libyan Air Force air fields.

    Remember several Gulf States are part of this force too, so it isn't 'the West imposing democracy' like before.

    There was nothing about us making up lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Just footage and communication from the people of Libya and news organizations showing the devastation Gaddafi is putting upon his own people.

    I see no reason for troops to enter Libya, apart from the UN once the Libyan people overthrow Gaddafi if there is a need for aid. Although I'd much rather see UN over in Japan getting food and supplies to cities affected by the recent Earthquake/tsunami and nuclear reactor scares.

    bieber fever shirt. Bieber fever: Two girls
  • Bieber fever: Two girls

  • HiRez
    Apr 12, 10:05 PM
    Wow, looks pretty awesome. Nothing about improved typography though? Booooo.

    bieber fever shirt. Bieber Fever T-Shirt
  • Bieber Fever T-Shirt

  • rockthecasbah
    Jul 13, 10:46 PM
    I'm sure that the drive with be built-to-order only. They are far too expensive and appeal to such a small audience (right now) that having it standard would just iritate people buying pro line equipment who don't need these drives yet because of the unnecessary costs.

    bieber fever shirt. This Girl Has Bieber Fever Shirt by freshcoolwow. Super cool ieber fever shirt
  • This Girl Has Bieber Fever Shirt by freshcoolwow. Super cool ieber fever shirt

  • benjs
    Apr 12, 10:38 PM
    Oh, they'll all switch to Avid to avoid learning a new interface, but of course, they won't have to learn a new interface to use Avid instead of FCP :rolleyes: . Not everyone who is a video editor has been around since the time of the dinosaurs. You're complaining that an automobile isn't a horse, so it must be inferior to the horse. If we always continue to do things in exactly the same way, we will never make any progress.

    "If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said 'a faster horse'." -Henry Ford

    bieber fever shirt. ieber fever shirt. asia
  • ieber fever shirt. asia

  • Random Passerby
    Oct 24, 01:19 AM
    I should be posting to the 'update before the holiday season' string to help it get to 4000 posts - but I was wondering at what time of day would an update happen, were it to happen?

    Jan 1, 08:32 PM
    Wouldn't it make sense to put an HD tuner in the new displays along with the iSight? .. that would make it pretty easy to rip videos and sync onto the video iPod and i'm guessing you could have an iTV app that's as easy to use as iTunes .. change the TV/monitor market in much the same way that they helped to change the home stereo market .. hrrm.

    Aug 31, 02:38 PM
    The first mac to even come with the option of a superdrive (meaning writes DVDs) was the PowerMac G4 that came out January 2001. In 1996, Macs didn't even come with CD-R drives.

    Well......you know what I mean ;)

    Aug 6, 10:16 PM
    Yeah, I'll be taking my lunch at noon (Central)... Maaaybe, just Maaaaybe I might be late getting back to work. ;)

    On another note, I'm as excited about WWDC as the next member, but all these threads are starting to sound the same! :rolleyes::)

    Nov 27, 01:27 PM
    Maybe Apple just needs to lower its monitor prices to sane levels as opposed to the ridiculous prices that they currently stand at. Justify them all you want, if Apple really wants to push its monitors, those prices need to come down. They might have flew 3 years ago, but enough is enough.

    I just got a 22-inch LCD for $370 (US), and it's not a piece. Quite frankly, I can't really tell the difference. Plus it has better adjustments and I/O. It doesn't have the Apple look, and it only has 1050 horizontal lines of res but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me.

    Sep 6, 09:34 AM
    My first instinct was that Apple stuck with Yonah in the Mini because of something they're about to introduce next week. The "streaming video" device could very well fill the set-top box niche that the Mini does, only at a lower price for the same remote media functions.

    I was wondering which way it would go--I guess it's still up in the air. Basically I just see this as a $200 price drop, which is always welcome.