> Kanimozhi Buzz: Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart

Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. and lt;bgt;treble clef heartlt;
  • and lt;bgt;treble clef heartlt;

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 06:23 PM
    The Christians who kill do not do so in the name of Christ, who would have been repulsed at their actions. It's not sanctioned anywhere in the Bible.Maybe not in the New Testament, but certainly in the Old.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. +clef+and+ass+clef+heart
  • +clef+and+ass+clef+heart

  • blevins321
    Mar 18, 10:55 AM
    Here's a screenshot of a section that says they can add necessary services to your contract. From my online customer service summary (the thing you actually 'signed').


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. ass treble
  • ass treble

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 08:46 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. notes for treble clef and ass
  • notes for treble clef and ass

  • chatin
    Apr 8, 11:54 PM
    These people are fleeing the "yellow light of death� on PS3 or "red ring of death' on 360. The consoles are so poorly made that broken PS3's seldomly fetch $50 on eBay.

    Apple has a real opportunity to make a name in gaming as gamers know quality and appreciate being taken seriously.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. ass clef heart by treble
  • ass clef heart by treble

  • Bibulous
    Sep 20, 12:48 AM
    I hope it will work with all Front Row files, not just iTunes content.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Double Bass Clef tattoo by
  • Double Bass Clef tattoo by

  • theBB
    Sep 20, 12:38 PM
    Its Front Row. Which can play whatever Quicktime can play. Which means it can play avi, wmv etc. Just install the codecs.
    I doubt that. The decoding will take place in iTV. How are you going to install codecs on it? If it does not support it out of the box, it probably will not be possible.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. heart bass clef treble
  • heart bass clef treble

  • Pilgrim1099
    Apr 9, 03:36 PM
    Go away? i didn't say that.

    No, a merger by acquisition which would result in a merging of the Wii and Apple TV of course.

    The problem with your view is that Nintendo is a JAPANESE corporation and they are still the boss over the USA counterpart. Apple has to kiss Japan's ass first to do that. I heard a very old story from the 1990s that Microsoft tried to buy them out which Nintendo of Japan's CEO, at the time, discussed and revealed in an interview.

    Guess what? Nintendo of Japan gave Ballmer the finger. Secondly, Nintendo and Apple could partner up in a deal, theoretically, but a buyout will never happen. And no, the Daimler/Chrysler situation is not a good comparison for this industry.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Treble Bass Clef Heart Women#39;s
  • Treble Bass Clef Heart Women#39;s

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 14, 06:49 PM
    I forgot the name of the project but they are looking at using advanced high temperature superconductors to carry power from like some "mega power plant" type of setup.

    EDIT: memory a little off. Tres Amigas Superstation is supposed to connect and share distributed power.



    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Treble Bass Clef Heart Tattoo
  • Treble Bass Clef Heart Tattoo

  • Huntn
    Mar 14, 02:16 PM
    You need to separate capacity from demand. Capacity is just the maximum power a station can theoretically produce. In practice, most of these renewable stations never reach that max. I've checked the stats at my utility's wind farm and that thing is usually around 9% of capacity. Considering a wind farm costs 4 times as much money as a natural gas generator to build for the same capacity, efficiency-wise, the station is a joke.

    What's more important is demand - being able to produce enough energy when we need it. This is where solar and wind fall short. They don't generate when we want them to, they only generate when mother nature wants them to. It would be fine if grid energy storage (IE batteries) technology was developed enough to be able to store enough energy to power a service area through an entire winter (in the case of solar). But last I checked, current grid energy storage batteries can only store a charge for 8-12 hours before they start losing charge on their own. They're also the size of buildings, fail after 10 years, and cost a ton of money.

    This is why a lot of utilities have gone to nuclear to replace coal and why here in the US, we still rely on coal to provide roughly 50% of our electricity and most of our base load. There are few options.

    It would require a multi-tiered approach. We have abundant coal which I believe can be made to burn cleanly although I'm not necessarily advocating that. And none of these sources if they break down (except nuclear) threaten huge geographical areas with basically permanent radioactivity. In case of worst case accidents, it could be plowed under but we'd still have substantial problems. The thing about nuclear power if it was perfect it would be a great power source, but it is far from perfect and the most dangerous.


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Wednesday, Rocks Off spoke
  • Wednesday, Rocks Off spoke

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 26, 11:57 PM
    I don't know whether homosexuality is a mental illness. But I do know that doctors and other professionals sometimes make mistakes.

    About 25 years ago, an acquaintance of mine told my mother that for about 15 years, a doctor treated her, my acquaintance, with the wrong medicine because her illness had been misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, after another doctor discovered the misdiagnosis, he also discovered that the medicine was worsening her symptoms.

    When I was about 17, my optometrist realized that, if I kept wearing the glasses an opthamologist prescribed for me, the would blind me by my 35th birthday. The optometrist prescribed the lenses I needed and corrected the vision problem for which I visited him. Thanks to the optometrist, I can drive.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Bass clef heart (black) mouse
  • Bass clef heart (black) mouse

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 08:24 PM
    If I said that I don't want blacks to be married, because it hurts the sacrament of marriage, would that be hate? I think that it would be.
    Like it or not, the zeitgeist is shifting to make homophobia as stigmatized as racism. The Catholic Church will have to either adapt, or perish.
    I didn't realize that the Catholic Church had an irrational fear of homosexuals. Since the Catholic Church has an irrational fear of homosexuals could you please help me figure out the growing outreach (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courage_International) to homosexuals?
    From the article:

    "But states can and must regulate behaviours, including various sexual behaviours," he said.
    If I said this against blacks (I am of the opinion that one cannot choose their orientation any more than they can choose their race), would I not be 'persecuting' them according to that definition? What if I further said that being black was an abomination, or that being a 'practicing black' was a sin?
    I didn't realize that there was black behavior

    While one can't change their orientation one does chose their actions.
    It is also quite unpopular to be a member of the KKK. Shall we similarly go out of our way to show compassion and tolerance for their most deeply held convictions? Or am I perhaps being cruel and unfair to the guy in the sheet when I call him an a-hole and suggest he shape up his attitude or don't act surprised when civilized human beings don't like him very much.

    Citing "religious or moral" reasons to be especially down on homosexuality invites an automatic ten-yard penalty for hypocrisy, because the ratio of religious vitriol to actual scriptural proscription is higher for this issue than for any other. People don't have a problem with gay people because their religion tells them to. They have a problem with gay people because they're run-of-the-mill prejudiced human beings, just like people who are prejudiced over any other identity issue, and they look to their religion to excuse them for it.
    Could you cite examples of mainline Catholicism lynching homosexuals, burning cross on their lawns, bombing their houses etc?


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Treble/Bass clef heart
  • Treble/Bass clef heart

  • eric_n_dfw
    Mar 21, 07:05 AM
    I am an Apple shareholder. I feel entitled to DRM-free products.Good for you, I am too. But as someone else here said, "I want a pony!"

    Present your opinion at the next shareholder's meeting. Presuming you own enough shares to bend their ear, they might listen. If not, then vote down Jobs and/or the board (again, owning a bunch of shares is helpful here.)

    Remember though, what Apple owes us is return on investment. The only logical reason to buy shares in a company is that you either want to earn profits from it or you intend to buy it out (and earn profits from that). Ask yourself this: does Apple removing DRM from iTMS tracks make financial sense? Before answering, consider that Jobs said (the day the iTMS openned) that the FairPlay DRM was the best balance they could strike with all of the record labels. I'm sure any change in DRM would require ratification of the contracts with those record companies. Fat chance. (The only way I could see this happenning would be if un-DRM'ed tracks cost $5 or something - but even then, I doubt it)

    The other reason to buy stock is because you like the company and want to support it. This is less of a logical reason, though, and falls under emotion. Not that there's anything wrong with that (it's probably part of my decision to own AAPL).


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. TREBLE CLEF BASS CLEF HEART

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 12, 10:41 AM
    seccondly, it makes no business sense. Apple knows people are holding out for merom.

    not really. People are buying macbooks in droves. Only a very few people (the numbers seem inflated on a board like this) are holding out.

    I can build my own PC for way less than the cost of a mac so I'm switching to XP, blah blah blah

    really?? You don't say! Well stop the presses; apparently it costs less to custom build a PC than to buy a premade computer! My goodness, this is news. I think Apple, Dell, HP, Sony, and all the rest should shut down their factories now because it's clear that they can no longer do business in light of this development.

    But you know, now I'm thinking that maybe some people don't have the time, know-how, or patience to build their own PCs. And I'm thinking that they like having warranties for when something goes wrong and they don't know how to fix it. And I'm thinking that for the majority of users the friendliness of the OS is going to be about 1000x more significant than having the latest omg-wtf-bbq-roxxor!!11!1! graphics card. So good for you that you're happy with a high-end home-built XP box, but please don't act like people are stupid for going with a professionally built and supported machine that does everything they need and runs a better OS.
    Moving on... the issue of a headless-upgradable-imac (which really isn't an imac at all because imacs are pretty much defined as being all-in-ones and non-upgradable, so I'll call it a low-end tower) has come up a lot recently. Everyone in this thread seems very sure that apple will release such a product, but I'm quite skeptical. I don't see who it appeals to. Demanding gamers, as macenforcer points out, are much better off building their own machine. Pros will want a true pro tower, not a stripped down version. Students would do better with a space saving, all-in-one design like an imac. "Average home users" like my mom will never upgrade anything (except *maybe* the RAM) so should get imacs or mac minis. The target market for this low-end tower seems to be knowledgable consumers who like upgrading. There are many such people on this board, but they're a comparatively rare breed in the real world.

    Also, apple is not going to have very high margins on such a machine, I'd wager. After all, it's a budget tower, right? But the people who buy them are going to keep them and upgrade them (with 3rd party hardware) for a very long time. So apple has one initial sale at low margins and then doesn't see that consumer again for years. If I were apple I'd either want to make a really big sale up front (like with a mac pro), or sell a not-very upgradable machine that will have you coming back in 2 or 3 years rather than 5 or 6.

    So IMO, while this low-end tower would fill a gap in apple's line up and be ideal for many on this board, I'm not sure it's a gap that many consumers fit in to, or that apple particularly cares about filling.


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. ass and treble clef
  • ass and treble clef

  • UnixMac
    Oct 8, 10:01 PM
    - but Apple is notorious for its very high margins. Whatever you pay more for, it's definitely not the hardware, because most (all?) Macs are made in the same massive Asian factories as the big PC manufacturers' are anyway.


    This was exactly my point when I called Apple. I mean, we have lower tech everything, bus, RAM, Hard drives, Graphics cars, etc.....so where is the money going?

    I'll tell you where, Apple and Dell are the only two hardware makers to post profits in the worst economy since 1980. The stock market is down 30% and Apple stock has not kept pace.

    Also, Abercombieboy, go back to page two of this thread, and re-read my Hitler analogy, this is not about bashing Apple. I am a mac guy, it's about calling a spade a spade.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. lt;bgt;treble bass clef
  • lt;bgt;treble bass clef

  • takao
    Mar 13, 09:36 AM
    I'm strongly in favour of nuclear.

    The Fukushima power plants have stood up remarkably well given the magnitude of earthquake that hit them - and this is with 40 year old technology.

    i recommend thinking about what the results might have been if the earthquake hadn't been dozens of miles away, but in closer proximity (even at a lower magnitude)
    and emergency cooling systems not working on 6 reactors and 2 meltdowns are now considered "stood up well" ? those reactors just had saftey improvements/reworks done last year

    We mustn't let incidents of this type put us off implementing new reactors in the west - our future relies on abundant electrical power, and it really is the only viable route out of our reliance on fossil fuel.

    uranian isn't limited: with current nuclear plants and those in construction the point of running out of easy usable uraniam for nuclear electricity is perhaps 30 years away
    economical that point might be reached faster since uranium mining will become more and more expensive with oil/fuel becoming more expensive

    that's why nuclear plants are actually worse than estimated in the past, in terms of energy produced in lifetime/ energy used during construction + operation. Vattenfall themselves actually found that out.

    i'm no fan of the oil industry either but talking about how an other industry is 'just as bad as the oil industry', doesn't exactly help ;)

    the Three Gorges Dam is perhaps on the same scale of impact compared to Assuan or the one planned in brazil but i can easily ask: what is your opinion on the Hoover dam ?


    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. treble clef and ass clef
  • treble clef and ass clef

  • Apple OC
    Apr 24, 01:53 PM
    I invite you to demonstrate how Islam is a threat to freedom and democracy.

    should we start with the freedom of choices for women?

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Treble Bass Clef Heart Magnet
  • Treble Bass Clef Heart Magnet

  • obeygiant
    Apr 25, 01:39 PM
    I know that there is no chance whatever that the gods espoused by any religion are anything but contemporary imaginations of forces to be explained or propitiated, either in the natural world or in the psychology of homo sapiens. To claim that any one is real, or more real than any other, is blindly to ignore their obvious common derivation.

    That about sums it up for me.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. And treble clef on my left
  • And treble clef on my left

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 04:13 PM
    (Examples = teaching)!= saying

    The latter is specific to the situation.

    This quote is sectioned to the event of homosexuality being concerned. However, you have to prove that woman is being obscene, which is almost impossible if you've got to find 1 doctor, 4 witnesses to event, and two family members to testify the same thing.

    100 striped != death.

    Adultery or fornication is VERY contentious in Islam. It is a big sin, and often breaks contracts, of nature of marriage. No death here.


    If you're going to quote something, please be sure to complete the damn sentence... and not end it prematurely:

    And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.

    In other words, be modest.

    as above, adultery is a greater sin. This, though, does not demonstrate honour killing. An honour killing is killing made by family or community that the victim has brought dishonour against the family or community.

    In this case, is it not dishonour, is it considered to be criminal.

    As above.

    Treble Clef Bass Clef Heart. Treble Bass Clef Heart Mini
  • Treble Bass Clef Heart Mini

  • skunk
    Mar 25, 06:59 PM
    I try to, but public service keeps dragging me away.I thought this was your idea of public service.

    And it's getting damn annoying.You're not wrong.


    Apr 9, 07:57 PM
    And it still won't work.

    Can't you understand?

    You can't look at a screen and hold a controller to play a game well, when there is nothing for your fingers to feel on the thing (sheet of smooth glass) you are holding as a controller.

    I understand completely the limitations of the approach but you're the one who doesn't understand or more precisely doesn't seem to accept the possibilities.

    Apple isn't going to release a controller or a controller add on. Get that into your head. It isn't happening.

    I'm not asking you to understand or like the approach just so we're clear. I couldn't care less but that is what they're doing. No two ways about it.

    Brilliant! then a family of five can all play scrabble or monopoly for the low low cost of $1,495*

    Apple are all about building integration and eco systems. Their visions of the future of consumer electronics... or post PC devices is iOS. If a family of five buys into that ecosystem they already have iPhone's, they already have iPads, they already have iPods and if they don't... they're probably going to buy one.

    If you approach it with a closed mind you won't understand it. You clearly don't which is why you've reeled off the predictable reply about current cost/usage.

    Sep 20, 11:54 AM
    The hard drive is just to store files while it outputs them to the tv

    much easier to cache on the hard drive then play. rather then stream constantly. it also makes it more reliable and less prone to interference

    Since there are no inputs on this thing it wont be a PVR

    Mar 18, 11:59 AM
    WOW in plain English......... If you use a lot you should pay for it.

    OK I agree

    but AT&T are the ones who advertise Unlimited Data

    Should they not "Man UP"? and stop this hiding behind definitions of nonsense in a contract.

    You could also man up and admit that at the heart of your argument - you don't like that you signed a contract that up until now - was just fine and dandy. Now that ATT wants to actually hold you and others responsible for an element of that contract that you think you are entitled to - you want to cry "illegal."

    Good luck. ATT would be better off losing you as a customer rather than dealing with the, no doubt, obnoxious posts and calls into CSRs you will no doubt make.


    Mar 27, 04:15 PM
    If he did that, he goofed. But I know I made a mistake: I missed your point. Now I understand it. Thanks. Maybe he tried to communicate with me in Latin because he know I usually attend the Traditional Latin Mass.

    Indeed sir, that is why I tried.

    Deo favente


    Mar 18, 08:02 AM
    I get: 2000 any network-any time minutes, 5000 same network minutes, 5000 any network messages, UNLIMITED internet, that's right, no capping, no "fair usage policies", UNLIMITED! AAAAND I can tether with up to 5 devices,

    True, but once you move away from a major city 3's network is rather crap.

    To be fair it's a good deal, but good luck leaving 3 when you decide to move on. Their call centres are awful to deal with.
