Feb 24, 01:19 PM
left to right:
20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. :apple: TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.:apple::apple::apple:
left to right:
20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. :apple: TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.:apple::apple::apple:
May 2, 05:37 PM
So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?
Hello ?
The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).
LOL! Yeah... and I remember crashing faster than you click your mouse on those systems. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were a mess. But of course... most things were back then. how far we've come.
Hello ?
The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).
LOL! Yeah... and I remember crashing faster than you click your mouse on those systems. Windows 3.0 and 3.1 were a mess. But of course... most things were back then. how far we've come.
Apr 3, 01:31 AM
Agreed. Those ads killed my ability to defend Apple fandom by saying the snooty arrogance is just some peoples baseless perception.
There's an app for that was kinda good.
But if you don't have an iPhone, you can't do this? It just makes it look like a useless device.
Actually, I'm perfectly happy without any Apple stuff besides my iMac. I didn't have an iPod until a week ago, so I was using some tape player for music :D mainly because I didn't care enough about randomly listening to music to buy an iPod.
There's an app for that was kinda good.
But if you don't have an iPhone, you can't do this? It just makes it look like a useless device.
Actually, I'm perfectly happy without any Apple stuff besides my iMac. I didn't have an iPod until a week ago, so I was using some tape player for music :D mainly because I didn't care enough about randomly listening to music to buy an iPod.
Apr 21, 01:59 PM
To those laughing at this and pointing out that Android phones don't have a file recording your movements:
(NOTE: I did not write this)
(NOTE: I did not write this)
Apr 5, 12:24 PM
In DP2, it seems that after using it for a while it uses significally more RAM than DP1. It even seems to that point where animations get laggy, like expanding folders e.g.
I discovered that the wibdow server process used over 400 mbs of RAM, but after shutting down the process and it had started up again it used about 20, which it usually does.
Also, BetterTouchTools seem to be working a lot less with DP2 compared to 1 for me. Every now and then my custom multi touch commands stop working, and the BTT needs to restart to function again. This is especially frustrating since in DP2 the LaunchPad is an independent .app, and I have assigned it to thre finger click, and removed most apps from the dock in an attempt som streamline my work flow.
All together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)
I discovered that the wibdow server process used over 400 mbs of RAM, but after shutting down the process and it had started up again it used about 20, which it usually does.
Also, BetterTouchTools seem to be working a lot less with DP2 compared to 1 for me. Every now and then my custom multi touch commands stop working, and the BTT needs to restart to function again. This is especially frustrating since in DP2 the LaunchPad is an independent .app, and I have assigned it to thre finger click, and removed most apps from the dock in an attempt som streamline my work flow.
All together I just love Lion, and there's no going back to SL! :)

Jan 2, 04:26 AM
Personally speaking I can't get excited about software. An OS is an OS windows, OSX I don't care as long as it works (OK advantage Apple but if MS did the job I would use it) Ilife come on, surely something not as dull as free software no one uses.
Please let it be new stuff you can hold.
Expect both. Steve will spend some time on OS/X, because he promised us all last time he would. But he'll also spend some time on iTV, and there will definitely be some other device. There always is... :)
Please let it be new stuff you can hold.
Expect both. Steve will spend some time on OS/X, because he promised us all last time he would. But he'll also spend some time on iTV, and there will definitely be some other device. There always is... :)
Sep 6, 05:11 PM
Or it encourages them to look at PC alternatives. Do you have a source on mac users upgrading more often? Among the people I know it's the other way around.
PC alternatives.. such as projectosx86
PC alternatives.. such as projectosx86
Apr 19, 02:40 PM
They will either skip it altogether or perhaps replace all USB 2 ports with USB 3 ones (thus keeping TB as the "advanced" FW equivalent)...
The logical thing would to mirror the recent MBP refresh. I really dont think they would include USB 3.0 ports until Ivy Bridge.
The logical thing would to mirror the recent MBP refresh. I really dont think they would include USB 3.0 ports until Ivy Bridge.
Mar 4, 03:06 PM
If you buy a truck or SUV because you want to tow or haul, drive offroad or use it for work, fine. If you bought it because you're being "protective", then, yes, that is a selfish motivation.
Larger SUV's and trucks often do suffer fewer driver fatalities, so in some ways they are safer (in the US), but that is because they force smaller vehicles to absorb most of the impact during a crash. Also, the rollover risk remains high, so that the "protection" you are buying is pretty conditional and may come at the expense of other people's lives.
If you want to debate it further I suggest we start another thread though, so we can keep this one on-topic.
I have no desire to debate anything. I was just very surprised to see it written that small cars are safer than Trucks and SUV's. I just wanted to know where I could go and read that information myself. You are the one who started the name calling! What a European, effete-snob calls selfish, this American calls a primal urge to survive. What I am really curious about is why you have such a control issue that you feel the need to tell anyone else what they are allowed to drive. One thing I like about being an American is that I don't have to prove a "need" to buy and drive a Full-Size Truck. I can and do drive anything I want to buy and drive. You seem to be socialist that wants to control every aspect of other peoples lives. If you want to force me to drive what you want then you'd better bring some help, cause this American is not going to give up my personal freedoms!
As far as you judging others as being selfish. That is a judgement. My belief regarding judgement is that anyone has the right to agree or disagree with anyone. But no one has the right to judge another person. Only the creator has that right.
Larger SUV's and trucks often do suffer fewer driver fatalities, so in some ways they are safer (in the US), but that is because they force smaller vehicles to absorb most of the impact during a crash. Also, the rollover risk remains high, so that the "protection" you are buying is pretty conditional and may come at the expense of other people's lives.
If you want to debate it further I suggest we start another thread though, so we can keep this one on-topic.
I have no desire to debate anything. I was just very surprised to see it written that small cars are safer than Trucks and SUV's. I just wanted to know where I could go and read that information myself. You are the one who started the name calling! What a European, effete-snob calls selfish, this American calls a primal urge to survive. What I am really curious about is why you have such a control issue that you feel the need to tell anyone else what they are allowed to drive. One thing I like about being an American is that I don't have to prove a "need" to buy and drive a Full-Size Truck. I can and do drive anything I want to buy and drive. You seem to be socialist that wants to control every aspect of other peoples lives. If you want to force me to drive what you want then you'd better bring some help, cause this American is not going to give up my personal freedoms!
As far as you judging others as being selfish. That is a judgement. My belief regarding judgement is that anyone has the right to agree or disagree with anyone. But no one has the right to judge another person. Only the creator has that right.
Apr 2, 11:58 PM
Ummm - the reason probably is shown on the 1400 post "light bleed" thread. People WANT the thing bad so they don't "return" it... they get it "swapped". Quite a few people over there are on their 4th to 5th swap
(which boggles my mind frankly) in a search to get one with no bleed.
They all seem to have it to varying degrees but I have to hand it to Apple for (so far) not claiming this is "in spec" to shut down all these
Apple probably lists all these as "exchanges" and therefore they don't count as "returns". Makes the customer happy and makes them look good in the press. Everybody wins.
Towards the end of the huge thread over at people are being told the same thing from the reps when they call... that Apple "is looking into the qc issue on this batch of iPads and hopes to resolve the issue". That's good news for everybody.
...but all the Apple quick to jump to Apple's defense...say that there is no such problem. :D
You are dead on correct. Many people do not want to endure the wait for a new one if they return it...Many are waiting to see if Apple can resolve the issue in a future production batch. What good is exchanging if the new one is going to have the same, or worse, problem
I love Apple products but I am always entertained by the rabid zeal of the delusional Apple apologists who insist the company can do no wrong...OR...they simply ignore the common, and obvious, flaws in the Apple product they buy, trying to convince themselves that they have the only "good" one...which on some subconscious level they need to tell themselves so they can believe they are "special" somehow.
(which boggles my mind frankly) in a search to get one with no bleed.
They all seem to have it to varying degrees but I have to hand it to Apple for (so far) not claiming this is "in spec" to shut down all these
Apple probably lists all these as "exchanges" and therefore they don't count as "returns". Makes the customer happy and makes them look good in the press. Everybody wins.
Towards the end of the huge thread over at people are being told the same thing from the reps when they call... that Apple "is looking into the qc issue on this batch of iPads and hopes to resolve the issue". That's good news for everybody.
...but all the Apple quick to jump to Apple's defense...say that there is no such problem. :D
You are dead on correct. Many people do not want to endure the wait for a new one if they return it...Many are waiting to see if Apple can resolve the issue in a future production batch. What good is exchanging if the new one is going to have the same, or worse, problem
I love Apple products but I am always entertained by the rabid zeal of the delusional Apple apologists who insist the company can do no wrong...OR...they simply ignore the common, and obvious, flaws in the Apple product they buy, trying to convince themselves that they have the only "good" one...which on some subconscious level they need to tell themselves so they can believe they are "special" somehow.
Apr 16, 09:07 PM
congrats to SciFrog for 6 million points! (with MR team)
Sep 1, 02:26 PM
I think it'll be a crime for Apple not to use Conroes in the iMac, they withstood the G5 processors so i dont see any reason as to why they cant do the same for Conroe. Using only merom or xeon processors is just to big a gap and is not ideal. Worse it may plumet the iMac sales unless there is a must have feature in the new revision.
Why would i want to upgrade from a current core duo imac to a merom imac when the performance difference is only 10-15% at best...for a desktop it makes no sense whatsoever and that means the iMac would purely be form over function. The again Apple fans tend to buy anything no matter how illogical
Why would i want to upgrade from a current core duo imac to a merom imac when the performance difference is only 10-15% at best...for a desktop it makes no sense whatsoever and that means the iMac would purely be form over function. The again Apple fans tend to buy anything no matter how illogical
Sep 7, 08:26 AM
I checked around at comp usa, best buy and even the apple store to see if the mini's they had in stock would be reduced in price because of the new ones that came out.
Best buy and Comp USA had no clue that new models were released and would not budge in price. I dont know what the apple store policy is.
Shouldnt comp usa and best buy reduce the price of the core solo minis they have left?
you can get them refurbed off the Apple site for less. 479 USD for the old lowend, 649 USD for the old high end.
Best buy and Comp USA had no clue that new models were released and would not budge in price. I dont know what the apple store policy is.
Shouldnt comp usa and best buy reduce the price of the core solo minis they have left?
you can get them refurbed off the Apple site for less. 479 USD for the old lowend, 649 USD for the old high end.
Mar 25, 09:58 PM
I find it frustrating that Firemint continues to hype this game and talk innovation when the game does not even work as advertised today, supporting both original and second iPad's. Crash and burn. How about a news release on the improvements they will be making to stop the crashing rather than this pathetic self promoting fallacy.
It's known that the first iPad is Apple's "experiment"... :eek:
Anything serious, like hardcore gaming, will require an A5 based machine.
AFA game consoles, Apple crashed and burned with their last console. If they do anything, it'll be only on their mobile devices and not bother competing with MS/Sony/Nintendo on the console front.
With mobile gaming, there's really only Sony and Nintendo, so there's room for Apple... ;)
It's known that the first iPad is Apple's "experiment"... :eek:
Anything serious, like hardcore gaming, will require an A5 based machine.
AFA game consoles, Apple crashed and burned with their last console. If they do anything, it'll be only on their mobile devices and not bother competing with MS/Sony/Nintendo on the console front.
With mobile gaming, there's really only Sony and Nintendo, so there's room for Apple... ;)
Aug 7, 07:54 AM
When apple releases new products are they normally ready to ship that day? Hopefully they won't need to charge my card right away until they ship it at a later date...I have no money but am still gonna buy a new expensive mac pro.... :confused:
Depends, we've all seen them ship same day....on that rare occassion.
Then there are the times you sit and wait for 2 months....
.....or the one time that they announce that they screwed up and there is no product to sell, but they will announce the replacement in the next few months.....that one was my favorite......
Depends, we've all seen them ship same day....on that rare occassion.
Then there are the times you sit and wait for 2 months....
.....or the one time that they announce that they screwed up and there is no product to sell, but they will announce the replacement in the next few months.....that one was my favorite......
Apr 25, 12:22 PM
In short...You are all good little sheep!
The only sheep around this forum are the paranoid who are jumping on the media bandwagon about this non-story about a non-privacy issue. It isn't even news having been published, over a year ago, by more learned academics than the two attention seekers currently hogging the limelight.
This file has existed in every iPhone since day one, albeit under a different name, logs of where your mobile phone is are kept by every mobile phone company. Yet none of this seems to matter to anyone until these two, questionable academics, decide to publicise this as a "big brother is watching you' privacy story.
Away and graze in your field, we need more wool from you!
The only sheep around this forum are the paranoid who are jumping on the media bandwagon about this non-story about a non-privacy issue. It isn't even news having been published, over a year ago, by more learned academics than the two attention seekers currently hogging the limelight.
This file has existed in every iPhone since day one, albeit under a different name, logs of where your mobile phone is are kept by every mobile phone company. Yet none of this seems to matter to anyone until these two, questionable academics, decide to publicise this as a "big brother is watching you' privacy story.
Away and graze in your field, we need more wool from you!

Sep 19, 03:09 AM
He's being sarcastic. :rolleyes:
Sarcasm doesn't really work on the internet.
Sarcasm doesn't really work on the internet.
Jun 22, 05:42 PM
I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS. Apple has made it pretty clear that they are two different lines (you may think the iPad blurs that line but it is still explicitly iOS and doesn't eat into the Mac usage as much as you'd think).
Could you see the two operating systems merge one day? Possibly, but also doubtful.
Could you see the two operating systems merge one day? Possibly, but also doubtful.
Sep 6, 10:45 AM
Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
What am I missing?
I have two minis, one of which is running headless, one is running with one of my extra monitors. Why would I want to buy yet another monitor? Besides which, if you're using them as a "poor man's build farm" you don't need superdrives.
I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
What am I missing?
I have two minis, one of which is running headless, one is running with one of my extra monitors. Why would I want to buy yet another monitor? Besides which, if you're using them as a "poor man's build farm" you don't need superdrives.
Apr 16, 05:46 AM
Very interesting point but I want Apple's share to grow ! The whole point of this thread is to get Apple into every home - right now, its being done by the Ipod but sales can't continue this good forever so they must push the Macintosh into more homes and business.
Apr 3, 02:29 AM
You can pinch to zoom on video now? How?
Classy ad btw.
Classy ad btw.
Mar 22, 10:52 PM
lots, Bluetooth, WIFI (for internet radio), design..
Here's my classic mockup
I would buy this if it was 220gb. Great mockup
Here's my classic mockup
I would buy this if it was 220gb. Great mockup
Doctor Q
Jul 18, 02:46 PM
Movies will have a limited number of plays, rather than a limited number of time to view. Or, alternately, you will pay-per-view (literally).I rarely watch a movie exactly once straight through from start to finish. I might back up to see a scene again, skip the boring parts where there are no car chases or spy gadgets, pause to answer the phone and then back up because I missed a few seconds, stop because it's been 15 minutes and I feel the need to visit MacRumors and then start again the next day because I forgot I hadn't finished the movie, watch the opening scenes again after the final credits because it's fun after you know secrets you learn later in the movie, and so on.
So what constitutes "one play" of a movie?
So what constitutes "one play" of a movie?
Aug 6, 09:18 PM
Blah, it should read "Mac OS X Leopard, introducing Panter 2.0"