> Kanimozhi Buzz: selena gomez movies posters
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez movies posters

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  • ~Shard~
    Sep 6, 11:23 PM
    ...but we know that the mini-tower is inevitable....:)

    Well of course, but that still doesn't excuse his hypocritical post. :D :cool:

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  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 01:17 PM
    His profile says he's the Director of IT. Who am I to question that?

    It also says "If you could describe an instigator it would be me."

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  • jbanger
    Nov 23, 06:19 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.


    you planning on treating them rough?

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  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:07 PM
    apple created a storefront they called "app store"

    amazon creates a store front that does the same t hing called the "appstore"

    apple wins in this situation.

    ding ding ding. I agree.

    The store is called the App Store. You can't copy someones store name.

    I can't call my store Target or Walmart. The names are already taken and famous. It's like cyber squatting on Madonna.com. you can't b/c madonna is already mega famous. She could just take it from you.

    McDonalds can't sue Burger King for the name b/c they are way different but sell similar products.

    If Burger Kind called their Store Mcdonalds but put in a lowercase D now I think McDonalds would and should sue the crap out of them.

    Reminds me of coming to america. they've got the Big Mac, We've got the big Mic.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 22, 12:24 PM
    Apple is paying the price for the crap it did early on and still is doing with no clear rules on what is approved and disapproved.
    Inconsistently rejecting apps.

    Apple should never of gotten in the screening business and now they are trying to back out.

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  • zap2
    Apr 8, 04:00 PM
    So who's Obama gonna blow up next? Syria, Yemen?

    Not just Obama's attack....yes, signed on, but there was a request for rebels. I don't have as issue with the West using their military power for support, but there should be an internal force that wants the change and us strong enough to at least use some force without the West.

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  • lazyrighteye
    Sep 1, 01:56 PM
    i wonder if it will lose its chin?! ^^^^^^ yes...precisely

    If so, a 23" chinless iMac might find it's way to my family.

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 07:33 PM
    Hey twoodcc, when did you sneak past lyzardking, I totally missed it, congrats for making it to 3rd place! And you're at about 1200th place overall, won't be long before you get to 3 digits!

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  • montycat
    Mar 23, 08:16 PM
    I love my iPod Classic. :D

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  • timmillwood
    Nov 27, 03:28 PM
    i think the 17" apple monitor will go well with my 17" macbook pro, but only if they are the same resolution

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  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 02:59 AM
    Any Aussies staying up? I think i will have to.

    Why can't Steve do his Keynote at like 4pm over in the US, that we'd be able to wake up at 9. Anyways! As long as he has a big sleigh i don't care

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  • Kingsly
    Aug 6, 11:40 PM
    More pix of the same... in case anyone cares!
    1) WWDC2006!!
    2) the now infamous banners�
    3) me, with the now infamous baners�
    4) Nifty computer bags� they are giving out
    5) delicious gelato� :p

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  • tblrsa
    Mar 28, 03:12 PM
    The iPod Classic is the best iPod ever released, period. I love it since day 1. Only downside is you can�t use it for sports, due to its sensitive hard drive. The device does look awesome, goes well with my aluminum book.

    ..is an ipod that is just about music and nothing else. and yeah the sound quality of the classic thats out right now does suck...i'd like to see improved battery life, higher quality chips (DAC, amps,...), digital output, maybe airplay - and all of that in a sexy, indestructable metal case with a click wheel and a small non touch display...

    Sounds like an awesome idea for a new Classic.

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  • aibo82
    May 2, 07:34 PM
    I think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between iOS and Mac OS!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac iOS/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we HAVE to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 6, 07:11 PM
    Quality is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important to me, than price.
    There I said it!

    When I see those delicious trailers, I cry for movies like that. Please God make it happen. 720p would be unbelievable, but I would believe it.

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  • celticpride678
    Apr 3, 12:51 AM
    ??? My 25gb partition was clean and blank when I installed Lion DP 1 and I think that's the case for most others as well. I'm not sure where you heard that, if I'm understanding you correctly.

    It worked for me too on DP1. On DP2, I had to install Snow Leopard first.

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  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 20, 07:18 PM
    Ok, So I moved the Mini back to the corner where it sat before, and added my wireless trackpad and keyboard to the desk. I'm still not sure on the keyboard. it feels different than the one built into the MBP. I think it might feel mushy... I need to put something on top of my desk so that things don't slid around... The trackpad will slide as I move it as will the MBP if it's sitting on the desk surface...

    New display?

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  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:24 AM
    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    Hmm maybe they could get around this by shipping bluetooth headphones with it.

    And the no-plug dock charging sounds good too.

    Imagine a ultra portable macbook with no ports.

    It would have a docking station with a lot of ports in the dock but it would all wirelessly be transfered to the macbook.

    No clicking into the dock. Just set it down.

    If the dock could be integrated into the desk it could look like you are just setting it on the desk.

    But it is wirelessly sending power and signals with the dock which has usb, firewire, large HD, optical drive, headphone jacks, and other ports that are hidden under the desk.

    Edit: just realized that in the time I took to reply someone else already pointed out bluetooth headphones.

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  • trevorlsciact
    May 2, 08:17 PM
    All you have to do is drag .app in trash then instead of "empty trash", use secure empty trash so it can find the rest of the files:D

    Unless I am very mistaken, that is not how that works.

    Aug 29, 09:21 AM
    Which would be fine...if there were a model in the middle. It's like a car company selling a huge SUV and a tiny two door car, with nothing in between.

    Oh believe me, I agree with you 100% percent! I would LOVE to see "Mac pro Mini" from Apple.

    Jan 11, 11:26 PM
    I don't see the benefit of a MacBook Slim.

    Can someone pursued me or tell me why it would be better then just having a MacBook?

    well... based on people dreaming of flash-based drives, small form factor, powerful machine... it seems to me everyone who seem to want one at the end of the day really want 2 very different devices.

    1) a notebook in the macbook form factor but with a dedicated video card or at the least an integrated video card that does great performance. this is what most people would settle for if apple ever makes one. Call it nostalgia for the 12" PB, maybe. powerful but very mobile. call it the MB for pros is what people want.

    the absence of an optical drive wouldn't be the end of the world. who uses them still in this day and age where everything from dmgs to photos to music to video to presentation are all on the internet?

    2) i think the sweet spot really is that people want something like an ultramobile machine that they can take on the go. that they can use for work stuff--- presentation, maybe run some office app. it's got to be mixed with a bit of personal stuff--- video, pictures, music and of course browse the web. it's that space above the iphone/ipod touch and below an mb. call a machine that is not just a phone, not just an ipod but more computer than the iphone and ipod touch are.

    Can the iphone/ipod touch do this now? yeah. i think with the sdk coming out it will really open the gate. because APPs is what's really missing. People want to do /more/ with the iphone/ipod touch. they want an Ultramobile Mac.

    personally, if Apple was going to make a subnote--- i'd rather they try for number 2.

    if Apple is going to make a new laptop, i hope they do something innovative like have an MB, but "do away" with the traditional keyboard and mouse. it would be the same form factor with a display and the spot where the keyboard is, but instead of a keyboard and trackpad... that space is a multi-touch or a user interface that can be reconfigured on the fly for whatever app that's active. (doesn't apple have a patent pending for tactile-multi-touch response?)

    Using Word for example? the "multitouch pad" pops out a keyboard. Doing photoshop and you get an interface similar to a wacom tablet that you can draw on. For a lack of better analogy, something right out of Star Trek's reconfigurable user interfaces. it would certainly go with the whole "air" theme. draw interfaces from the air just like magic.

    My guess is that "Air" will be something more towards greater reliance on cloud computing.

    Apr 13, 06:15 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 13 million points!

    May 3, 04:44 PM
    The Quad i5 or i7?

    The i7. I actually have an i7 920 in my PC but the sandy bridge is still a good upgrade.

    Aug 6, 10:43 PM
    Yep. And Milk. Steve Jobs will climb down your chimney, eat the cookies, and pour the milk into any PCs he finds in your house :)

    Well he won't find any PCs! Our house is PC free. We have a PowerMac G5, iMac G5, Powerbook G4, and a MacBook. He would be very happy :D