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Thursday, May 19, 2011

selena gomez kissing taylor lautner

selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena Gomez and Taylor
  • Selena Gomez and Taylor

  • *LTD*
    Apr 3, 09:27 AM

    This is the key word here.

    Apple's priority is to delight the user. Now "delight" invokes a lot things - some emotional, tactile, things which might even be disparate.

    But when you apply that priority to consumer tech, it brings together a lot of requirements to achieve this - how the device must feel; how it must look - say, on a stylish glass table or beside modern sculpture; how the UI should function; colours, fonts . . . the list goes on.

    This is why Apple is so successful. They don't focus on bringing to market a competing device that ranks high on spec sheets. They simply focus on how to delight the user.

    Thus, you get something like the iPad. While the competition still can't figure it out. Priorities, people . . . it's all about priorities.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena Gomez, Nick Jonas
  • Selena Gomez, Nick Jonas

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 11:37 AM
    I love how "gays" freak out when non-homosexual people do something. But yet when "gays" want to do something extreme it's because we don't accept them, so when they get in trouble it's a huge ordeal.

    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena gomez and taylor
  • selena gomez and taylor

  • jmsait19
    Jul 18, 12:56 PM
    A major consumer announcement at a developers conference? Not gonna happen. End of story!

    ThinkSecret hasn't been right about anything since they got in trouble over leaks.

    maybe so. but the lawsuit has been dropped now. maybe they are feeling ok to say the right things now...

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Taylor Lautner and Selena
  • Taylor Lautner and Selena

  • GregAndonian
    Mar 25, 08:24 PM
    Where's the Flash support? Now they have no excuse... ;)

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena gomez kissing taylor
  • selena gomez kissing taylor

  • ILL Robinson
    Jan 12, 10:55 AM
    The most obvious reason behind the name MacBook Air for me is the removal of the wired Ethernet connector to the MacBook. There is two thing that prevent from making a very slim notebook: an optical drive and an ethernet connector (look at the ethernet connector on a MacBook, it take most of the height of the notebook).

    So the MacBook Air would be the first Apple notebook having only a wireless connection...

    And I agree that it will be made of aluminium...


    Name or no, I completely agree with this. If the word "Air" isn't part of a product (and given the ad hook, it most likely is) expect Jobs to repeatedly use "Air" throughout the keynote.

    All aside, we should start a thread where people can boast if their Mac product speculations were correct or admit they were flat out wrong.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. did selena gomez kiss justin
  • did selena gomez kiss justin

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 10, 06:52 PM
    And two-seaters?? :eek: Well, let's not go there.

    Hey, my Street Bob is a 2 seater. :mad:

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. and selena gomez kiss,
  • and selena gomez kiss,

  • /user/me
    Mar 23, 01:38 PM
    No, no one is forced to do anything. Apple is more extreme with what they will and will not allow. Others follow suit b/c they know Apple changes the world. Android market allows practically everything.

    As far as I know there's three rules that have to be followed when designing an iOS app.
    1. No porn
    2. no flash
    3. it has to be approved.

    I really dont' think that's too much to ask.... especially since Apple has complete ownership of the app store. Nbody's forcing you to get their procuts... If you dont' like it, buy an Android phone.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena gomez y justin bieber
  • selena gomez y justin bieber

  • michaelcyee
    Mar 22, 11:03 PM
    Is there an app in which the face of the iPod touch/iPhone has a digital scroll wheel on the bottom half and a screen on the top half to simulate the iPod Classic interface? Maybe that would be enough to satiate the holders on to the classic?

    On the Cydia store there's a package called iClassic, costs $2. But it's the storage that the classic owners want, really.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena hanging out with Taylor
  • Selena hanging out with Taylor

  • leftroom
    Feb 25, 08:58 AM
    left to right:
    20" Apple Cinema Display, 1st Gen. 16gb iPod Touch, Late 2008 MacBook Pro on top of Griffin iStand controlled by an Apple wireless keyboard and Magic mouse, 1TB Seagate external HDD, 32gb Ipad wifi only, 21" Samsung display, 2cd Gen. TV, Razer Lycosa keyboard and Razer Death Adder mouse which controls a Windows XP box i built for my job(under the desk). You can barly see it but there is also a Power PC Mac Mini on top of the Windows machince which acts as a FTP server.

    That's no late 2008 MacBook Pro. It can't be, because the late 2008 MacBook Pro was the first to get a unibody design. That might be the early 2008 MacBook Pro with the old classic design. Sorry to say that ;)

    Nice setup though! :)

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena gomez kissing.
  • selena gomez kissing.

  • matrix07
    Apr 3, 02:29 AM
    You can pinch to zoom on video now? How?

    Classy ad btw.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena Gomez, Taylor
  • Selena Gomez, Taylor

  • iSpoody 1243
    Jun 22, 07:46 PM
    ios4 apps on the dashboard would be cool
    thats about it

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Taylor Swift and Taylor
  • Taylor Swift and Taylor

  • SMM
    Nov 15, 06:40 PM
    Just asking a question, understand. But, is there a need to have more memory as twice as many requesting sources are accessing the memory pool?

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Of her kissing gomez has the
  • Of her kissing gomez has the

  • tarproductions
    Apr 12, 08:19 PM
    Always looking forward to advancements in software.

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena gomez and taylor
  • selena gomez and taylor

  • lordonuthin
    Mar 23, 05:04 PM
    Actually I'm using a Mac Pro with a 8-core 2,26GHz setup.

    I'm right at 28 minutes with a MacPro 2.66 octo but I'm not currently running bigadv units because I keep having to shut down to swap hard drives, bigadv units don't restart once you have stopped them. One of these days I'll get some time to consolidate all of my files... then I won't have to shut down so frequently:p

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena Gomez and Taylor
  • Selena Gomez and Taylor

  • Ugg
    Mar 31, 04:15 PM
    We did more history coverage of WW2 than India and China combined.

    But popular culture keeps it at the forefront.

    It's a fascinating subject, but also an unhealthy obsession for both nations. Also, the literature on the subject is bloated with bad research, crazed theories and revisionism.

    I couldn't agree more. I think what few people realize is that in almost all aspects, WWII was not so much the Second World War, as a continuation of WWI. I

    For the US it was definitely our first bright and shining moment on the international stage and it has gained mythological status.

    Suppose the British fascination with WWII comes from the fact that it was close, we could of easily lost.

    Possibly but I think a lot of the British fascination has to do with

    1. Its sense of impregnability due to its Island Status

    2. WWII helped the UK regain a sense of self worth after the painful previous 2 decades. Of course, it was all thrown away again at Suez...

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. selena-gomez-taylor-lautner
  • selena-gomez-taylor-lautner

  • kungming2
    Jan 11, 09:38 PM
    I actually like the name. Anyone else? :D

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. She also talked about Taylor
  • She also talked about Taylor

  • cjc343
    Apr 4, 07:16 PM
    Save Apple!!! Sign MY petition.....


    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. and selena gomez kissing,
  • and selena gomez kissing,

  • iOzzie
    Mar 22, 10:06 PM
    Long live the Classic.

    My 160 is almost full, put me down for a refresh :)

    selena gomez kissing taylor lautner. Selena Gomez and Taylor
  • Selena Gomez and Taylor

  • paradillon
    Oct 23, 09:28 PM
    I cannot wait till I have my entire environment on a large pocket sized full-screen iPod like device and do most of my work via 802.11n and 4G wireless. I might suggest a slightly larger screen and battery as a BTO option.


    Amen Brother! That's what I want too. Don't forget the built in isight.

    Sep 14, 02:01 PM
    ...my iPhone 4 still gets the best reception of any phone I've ever owned, regardless of how I hold it or whether or not it has a case on it...

    same here

    Mar 19, 07:03 PM
    It's disgusting and Exodus International has done a lot of harm to people. I'm on the fence on this. I think it's absolutely like offering illegal drugs online, and I can't believe that group is even allowed to do what they do, but hey- if people want to screw themselves up, I guess that their business.

    Aug 7, 07:56 AM
    Full-screen in Quicktime in Leopard, and m4v export for feee

    Apr 27, 09:19 AM
    "App Store" is a trademarked name of a particular store. "appstore," or "app store" in generic terms and context is a description of a particular thing. How hard is it for these companies to understand that that's possible? Just the same as "Windows" vs. "windows." Actually, I think they do get it, but they don't want "App Store" associated only w/ Apple so they can jump on the bandwagon and (continue to try to) confuse consumers.

    Capitalization does not impact trademarks like you claim. "App Store" is the same as "app store".

    Aug 7, 07:42 AM
    There will never be NTFS write abilities in Mac OS X for a long time as Microsoft still keeps NTFS writing a propritary technology only licensed for use in Windows XP.

    Oh, i wouldnt say that....
    Microsoft and Apple did a 5-yr cross license of patents in 1997. Now, that doesnt mean you get access for only 5 years, that means anything that was patented up to 2002 is cross licensed perpetually between the two companies.

    If NTFS is patented, it was around well before that date. If its not, then Apple just has to write the code to write NTFS.

    Interesting question is; when did the first iPod patents arrive? Does MS have access to anything for Zune that creative & co didnt?