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Thursday, May 19, 2011

selena gomez cute outfits

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  • January , cover girl outfits

  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 10:46 AM
    Not just wrong but probably illegal in several countries.

    My own country belgium for example its illegal to store such data without consent of the person itself.

    No iPhones in Belgium?

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  • Selena Gomez Cute latest

  • RyanNoah
    Sep 14, 12:55 PM
    Griffin FormFit looks pretty nice. It even comes with a viewing stand.

    Just for fun, check out The Woogie--

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  • Selena Gomez at the 2010 Kids

  • koobcamuk
    Jan 12, 05:47 AM

    Maybe the �Air� branding is taking a que from the sucess of one of Apple's international partners, O2.

    More like Nike, surely? :P

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  • cute selena gomez icons.

  • Glideslope
    Jan 13, 07:09 AM
    Maybe Apple's poster actually says more but we can't see the bottom?

    Something like: "There's something in the air... blow it out your ass Microsoft" :p

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Balmer's office all next week. He is going to stroke out one of these days.

    Microsoft is such a contradiction onto itself. They make their claims on the OS, yet produce trash wear in Vista. Even when they finally get the Zune kind of ok, it's the mobil OS that screws it.

    Apple on the other hand uses innovative design and function to spread the OS, both full, and mobile without really strutting it. Apple uses it's devices to spread the OS. Redmond has it ass backwards, as usual.

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  • cute selena gomez icons.

  • Sydde
    Mar 19, 04:32 PM
    In an environment of Fart apps and birds exploding in clouds of feathers, enter an app called "Exodus International". Obviously, it is Christian in nature (well, Exodus was in the Torah, so I suppose it could in theory be Jewish), its main focus being as a tool to help homosexuals recover from the f'upedness with the healing hand of jesus (lord, save us from your followers). So, yeah, whilst the concept is lame or offensive, there is a fair abundance of that on the app store already.

    So, now some are calling for its removal. Is that the right thing to do? I mean, clearly a person whose sexual orientation is corrected by the church inevitably becomes just miserable and insufferable, the hallmarks of someone trying to be something they are not. A small minority are advocating a view that has soundly been debunked because the idea that a few of the wrong kind of people might exist and offend their sensibilities (quid pro quo).

    Does this app represent nothing more than plain foolishness, some misguided folks expressing their opinion and showing that they care for others? Or is it an attempt to perpetuate a vile and dangerous mth that has cause inestimable pain and misery for as long as recorded history? And can I use it to... Oh, wait... :eek:

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  • Selena Gomez, Wallpaper middot; cute Selena Gomez

  • Ichneumon
    Mar 24, 03:14 AM
    I've never had an iPod, only an iPhone and iPad, but can the iPod classic be used as a hard drive for storage? I didn't know that. How does that work?

    If it would allow that, I think I might buy a classic, if it updates in september. I could use more space for my videos and music and if it also functions as a portable hard drive, I can justify buying it even more.

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  • tny
    Aug 7, 08:11 AM
    Let me steer this off topic real quick. I have read before that Apple has two OS teams so "in theory" Leopard would, in fact, be Panther 2.0 and 10.7 would be Tiger 2.0. Again, in theory� Can someone clear that up?

    Nope. Here's how it works, usually (not saying this is what Apple does, but nearly everyone else does this, so ...). You've got one master codebase, called the "trunk." Everyone works with that. When it's time to start working toward a release candidate, you copy off the code base and create what's called a "branch."

    Changes to the trunk are rarely back-ported to the branch (it usually depends upon whether they are bug fixes or new features; bug fixes, often are back-ported if they aren't risky; new features almost never); any changes to the branch which are relevent to the trunk *are* ported to the trunk (since most of them are bug fixes, and the rest are probably new features whose loss might be noticed in the next release).

    The branch keeps being used by one team that is working on, let's say, Tiger, right up through the release and during maintenance (10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, etc. are all from the branch, not from the trunk), while another team keeps working on the trunk until the time they branch (10.5 Alpha) the next release (let's say Leopard). When the newer branch hits release, one of two things happen: either the team that did the development on the new branch continues doing maintenance (10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3), or the group that was doing maintenance on the earlier release does maintenance on the new branch and the folks who designed the new branch go back to work on the trunk until it's time to branch again (10.6, let's call it Lion). Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

    I'm guess this it what is meant by "Apple has two teams working on OS X." Two teams, but only one code base trunk. And thus 10.4 is derived from 10.3, not 10.2.

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  • petteri
    Aug 17, 06:56 AM
    Very interesting. Wonder why they did a "wobbly" geo-synch, and how their receivers cope with it. I'd guess it's a cost-related thing, but maybe there's an engineering reason for it (certainly does keep at least one bird near-vertical within the US at all times ...) Note that XM is depicted there as a "true" stationary orbit above the equator.

    In any case, still, you're not going to see those satellites from Bombay, no matter how long and hard you look, without a really big mirror ...

    That's exactly why they did it. The higher the "look angle" ,the fewer drop outs of the signal there are due to something (tall building) blocking the signal. It cut the cost of building repeaters in every nook and cranny of every urban area. Although now with the new portable unit they have been putting more of these up. An added benefit of the orbit is that those three people living in Northern Canada can get a signal!

    I don't think Apple is concerned so much about not being able to sell a Sat ready iPod outside North America. It's more about how to integrate the Satellite service into a revenue stream for iTunes. If they can find a way to make cash with satellite radio, it will happen.

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  • After lunch, Selena and Taylor

  • Aniej
    Jan 3, 11:44 AM
    Perhaps appleinsider should start to focus on their own site rather than apple's new products as part of their 2007 resolutions. Their homepage is, as you can see from my screenshot, full of useful information complete with an advertisement for vista. Classic:rolleyes:

    selena gomez cute outfits. Update: Selena Gomez Fashion
  • Update: Selena Gomez Fashion

  • VPrime
    Jan 5, 08:50 PM
    Avoid that BMW like the plague.

    German + high miles = no way

    Been there, done that, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on me.

    I'd rather take my chances with an old pile of an American car, because at least it will be cheaper to fix constantly.

    Old BMWs are great if you like $1000 surprises. For the price you'll pay in repairs, you could have a car 2.5 times more expensive with a regular, planned, budgeted payment.
    I am not to worried about that. I can do my own repairs, my last cars were major project cars. I have done pretty much everything (engine swaps, transmission swaps, etc.). Parts are not much more than I am used to, and since I won't be paying for labour does not really affect me.
    Plus this guy seems like he really takes care of the car.

    It depends on whether the car has received regular maintenance or not. There is no substitute for a thorough pre-purchase inspection by a competent BMW shop.

    I am the original owner of my 330Ci and over the life of the car my average annual maintenance costs, excluding tires, have been $1300. The car is coming up on 9 years old and has a bit over 100k miles on it. I plan to keep the car for a good long while as I continue to enjoy owning and driving it.

    The E46 forum on bimmerfest.com (http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=98) is generally a good source of information. Review the wiki (http://www.bimmerfest.com/wiki/index.php/BMW_E46) before asking questions. There aren't a whole lot of questions that haven't already been asked and answered many times and the wiki is intended to forestall those.

    Thanks for the info.
    the guy looks like he really took care of the car (based on his ad). The pictures make it seem mint, and he says all maintenance has been done regularly.
    Obviously I will take a look in person and see how true it is.
    I found the bimmerforums site a few days ago and have been searching quite a bit. Nothing I am finding seems out of the ordinary, or something I haven't seen yet.

    Still trying to make an appointment with the guy and see it in person though.

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  • marksman
    Mar 27, 11:36 PM
    It is amazing how limited in vision some people are...

    Seriously people stuck with this idea that the future of gaming is going to be non-portable systems with game controllers forever are going to be very disappointed in the future.

    Ultimately gesture based movements and other mechanisms will be used for gaming, not a freaking glorified joystick. It is silly to believe otherwise.

    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You keep believing the future of gaming is going to remain in the hands of traditional 8 year console development cycles... It is not going to happen.

    It would be like saying you can't play any real game on a console, you need a pc for it. I certainly can do much more in terms of controlling and playing a game on a computer than I can do with any console controller.

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  • Karpfish
    Jan 1, 06:04 PM
    12" Mbp

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  • MacSA
    Aug 24, 05:59 PM
    Finally some Mac Mini rumours :D ..... lets hope this turns out to be correct. I wonder what specs we'll see in the next update, Surley no more Core Solo? :eek:

    The article mentions Core 2 Duo, but I bet they stick with Core Duo. everything else will be the same.

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  • Selena Gomez looked angelic in

  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 08:25 AM
    As purely a data storage format, obviously Blu-ray has the potential to store more data than HD DVD.

    However, as someone who has been following the whole BD vs. HD DVD consumer video format war, and as someone who has bought an HD DVD player (and, until recently, had a BD video player on order), at this (albeit early) stage of the game, HD DVD is the superior video format.

    HD DVD has 30gb dual layer discs available (almost all the latest video releases on HD DVD are 30gb dual layer.) There are many more titles available for HD DVD right now (probably because it's been out longer and the discs themselves are easier to manufacture.) HD DVD uses a more efficient codec (Microsoft's VC-1, which is akin to H.264, in that it's much much more efficient than MPEG-2.) HD DVD titles have either Dolby Digital Plus (a higher bit-rate multichannel audio codec) and Dolby TruHD (a lossless multichannel audio codec).

    BD only has 25gb single layer discs available now. Apparently the 50gb dual layer discs are hard to manufacture and the yields are not ready for prime time. No BD retail video discs are above 25gb single layer. No timetable for 50gb discs has been announced. The video is MPEG-2, meaning it takes up more space on the disc. And, the most recent BD releases all suffer from more MPEG artifacts than any HD DVD releases. BD audio is either standard Dolby Digital or space consuming uncompressed PCM audio (which sucks up even more disc space, leaving even less for video.)

    The current Samsung BD player actually has the same (Broadcom) chip that the current Toshiba HD DVD player has in terms of outputing video... and it only outputs 1080i. The Samsung player tacks on another (Faroudja) chip to deinterlace it, so it outputs 1080p (so BD can say "we output 1080p!"), except, that chip apparently stinks and makes the picture somewhat soft. In reality, any HDTV worth its salt can easily deinterlace 1080i signals, so the whole "we output 1080p" is a false advantage anyway. Both BD and HD DVD discs store the video as 1080p, by the way.

    So, what you have, on the video front, BD has a smaller capacity disk with less efficient video and audio codecs (that look and sound worse). And it is TWICE the price ($500 vs. $1000). And has less titles. And is late.

    If you read any reports on BD video quality vs. HD DVD video quality on boards like AVSforum.com, HD DVD beats BD hands down.

    Who knows how this video format war will shake out, but Blu-ray is way behind right now.


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  • Selena Gomez Cute Wallpapers

  • celticpride678
    Apr 3, 12:34 AM
    Leopard requires 9GB, Snow Leopard requires 5GB, and now Lion is under 4GB?

    Oh my, no. That's just the size of the installer, which is compressed. Right now on the partition that I'm pretty sure that I only have the OS installed on and little to nothing else, I have 6.55gb taken up. The final version might take up even less than that.

    The reason Lion's only 3.7 GB right now is because it's an upgrade only. You can't install Lion on a clean partition right now, only upgrade from Snow Leopard.

    Apple likely did this to reduce download times.

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  • Actress Selena Gomez Adds

  • eenu
    Aug 16, 11:13 AM
    Both companies have cult-like followings (Apple and Stern, and let's face it, Stern is Sirius)

    Allow Sirius subscribers to get satellite radio on their ipods, maybe even download a limited portion to the HD.

    But the killer feature is the ability to BOOKMARK a song you like and buy it from iTunes later or over the air for those who want wireless.

    I already have a lifetime Sirius subscription as well as numerous Apple products including an ipod.

    PLEASE make it happen and don't let the Zune get this feature first.

    As far as i can see Sirius is really an american service? Lets not forget Apple needs to make product releases applicable for the world outside america....one does exist :p

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  • Selena Gomez cute. Celebrity

  • shecky
    Oct 23, 10:53 AM
    What I would like to see them add is eSATA support but I bet they dont.

    agreed, and agreed.

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  • Hot Look of Selena Gomez Suits

  • Capt T
    Mar 25, 03:55 PM
    iPad 1 does not support HDMI out, so I'm assuming no, it doesn't work.

    The iPad 1 does support HDMI out. I have the adaptor and checked it out with a movie. It doesn't support mirroring but it does support the output.

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  • Selena Gomez#39;s funky flirty

  • torn
    Sep 24, 11:01 AM
    It's already been released. Best Buy has been selling them for more than a week now.

    Could you please give me the link? I can't find it on bestbuy's online store.

    Sep 8, 12:17 PM
    belkin has some, but the order pages just say "coming soon", I don't even think you can pre-order.

    Scosche has some pretty cool ones, you can pre-order now, they ship "mid September"
    http://www.scosche.com/products/sfID1/210/sfID2/212 (scroll down to see the iPod touch cases)

    Aug 24, 08:27 PM
    New iPods, New iMacs and now New Mac Minis. September could be really busy it seems.

    Aug 24, 09:41 PM
    I suspect we'll see slight case redesigns for Santa Rosa-based Macs. Santa Rosa will be the real Core 2 platform. This year's Meroms are a stopgap.Isn't everything a stop gap, in that sense? Just with sweet spots along the way :)

    as well as include new WiFi and the "Robson" flash technology for fast-booting.I'll have to look up Robson... I imagine Boot Camp will work quite well if it only takes 10 seconds to switch from an active Mac to an active Windows machine...

    Mar 22, 04:12 PM
    iPod Classic 7G
    - Retina display for stunning clickwheel-game-visuals
    - Airplay
    - 220 GB
    - Thunderbolt to fill up that 220 GB in 2 sec
    - bluetooth to stream music through your ipad.
    - 4mm thin
    - same 36 hour battery

    Who's with me :D:apple:

    Nov 28, 10:55 AM

    I don't have a microwave anymore but like the occasional bowl of popcorn. :)

    I like that concept... not owning a microwave. Encourages you to eat fresh and reheat things the proper way. :)