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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

selena gomez bikini and justin bieber

selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Selena Gomez in a Bikini with
  • Selena Gomez in a Bikini with

  • FearNo1
    Apr 23, 01:35 AM
    Interesting...location based ads like in minority report ;) Hmm but wouldn't that eat up your data, all of the querying going back and forth. That is one of the reasons why I don't have a smartphone

    my guess is ... it is some future AdSpam thing Apple wants to implement such as how FaceBook and Google use to make money.

    They goofed by not encrypting it and will likely change that

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Selena Gomez Blue Bikini
  • Selena Gomez Blue Bikini

  • BJonson
    Apr 26, 01:02 PM
    trademarking app store. How pompous. What's next, trademarking computer store, book store, pet store? LOL.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Selena Gomez Blue Bikini
  • Selena Gomez Blue Bikini

  • Silentwave
    Jan 1, 06:31 PM
    Jobs receives a call during keynote and reaches into his pocket...

    ...audience errupts with joyful tears...

    ...pulls out iTunes compatible motorola phone....

    ...audience sighs....and cries....

    ....Steve gets another call 5 mintues later...

    ...pulls out iPhone

    ...geeks bumrush the stage and carry Steve off on their shoulders

    Are you sure you don't work for Steve?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini justin.
  • selena gomez bikini justin.

  • coder12
    Apr 21, 12:12 PM
    Viruses collecting data on iOS?

    ... :confused:

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • illian
    Jan 13, 08:29 AM
    maybe this banner just refers to all the rumors that have been spread throughout the year:D..you could hear/read about apple's new notebook on the internet, tv and there are even some pictures and a name. so there is something in the air and in 2 days we'll find out what it is :rolleyes:

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. 16 year old Justin Bieber and
  • 16 year old Justin Bieber and

  • skiltrip
    Oct 6, 08:02 PM
    I thought the case was translucent.

    Belkin does make a translucent version called Grip Vue (Tint), sold on their website. Best Buy, however seems to have a exclusive set of colors just for them. The solid Aqua, Fuscia, Neon Green, and Night Sky (purple).

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. What is Justin Bieber#39;s New
  • What is Justin Bieber#39;s New

  • v66jack
    Mar 1, 05:39 PM
    Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

    If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Selena Gomez dating Justin
  • Selena Gomez dating Justin

  • darkplanets
    Jun 22, 12:13 PM
    As long as it has OSX (or whatever the next is) underneath, always, then I have no problems with an integrated iOS layer in OSX. In fact, I would much rather see dashboard disappear and iOS take its place, because let's face it; dashboard is worthless due to its horrible implementation.

    Let's make that a prediction, shall we?

    If this comes to fruition I see dashboard getting the boot and the iOS overlay taking its place, but only on touch enabled macs.

    Can someone say new touch enabled cinema display, as well as the new "track pad gadget" being released? This would make perfect sense, if this rumor were true.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • twoodcc
    Dec 19, 06:24 PM
    Too bad we can't get an occational mention on the front page of this here website! ARN, are you out there, hint, hint... I'd write something to post on the front page but I'm not a good writer :D

    yeah that would help. but i think if we keep new threads and posts going in here then people will see it with forum spy and get more people involved. i mean just the little we've been posting here in the last few has gotten more people going. just look at me, you, scifrog, and others who really started stepping it up.
    mc68k stepped it up also, but he's been active on here more in the past than we have (not to take anything away from him).

    we just need 4JNA to come back!

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • MacPhilosopher
    Sep 14, 12:08 PM
    Toyota fixes all vehicles because they all have the potential to have dangerous problems.

    Most iPhone owners have no problem whatsoever, and there's no danger at all to anyone.

    So Toyota HAS to fix them all. It would be pointless for Apple to fix all iPhones in the field when most of them never have an issue needing a fix. But if you do have a problem, let them know and they will fix it for you for free. That's hardly a burden for such a non-dangerous situation.

    We live in this ridiculous era of expectations. Apple comes out with a reasonable solution to a problem that affects a tiny percentage of users, and they get slammed for it. Hypocrisy.

    Not to mention, there have been three or fewer known stuck accelerators in Toyotas out of millions of cars. I cannot imagine that there are at least that many for every manufacturer. This was a media fail for both Apple and Toyota, not a product fail.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • BornAgainMac
    Nov 15, 09:19 AM
    I wonder how Handbrake, iDVD encoding, or Quicktime encoding will take advantage of the extra cores?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • diogowerner
    Aug 7, 06:09 AM
    I was thinking that. Maybe thats why the iPhone pix look more like a house phone instead of cell phone?

    Hmmmm... ?

    an iPhone "as a landline skype style wifi cordless phone to go with iChat" should have the display and the camera on the same side... right?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • danielwsmithee
    Nov 27, 03:24 PM
    I mean absolutely no disrespect in any of my arguments...Same hear. I just find it interesting that you seem to be ignoring the fact that 1 year ago you were willing to pay an approximately $100 markup for SWOP certification, yet you find it completely reasonable for Apple to essentially be charging $300 for it today? I'm about the biggest fan of Apple of anyone but their prices are out of touch on their 20" displays.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini with
  • selena gomez bikini with

  • steadysignal
    Apr 25, 10:28 AM
    Time to hide my iPhone file from the wife:rolleyes:

    Seriously......privacy issues seem all over the place in this digital age....here is another example.

    I guess we need a law disclosing if such and such device tracks you and needs to disclose that to you clearly via a warning label/other....

    will a law stop the data from being used against you?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini and justin
  • selena gomez bikini and justin

  • lyzardking
    Feb 8, 07:51 AM
    congrats to lyzardking for 6 million points!


    Never thought I'd ever get to this point when I started folding (almost) 4 years ago


    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Selena Gomez Bikini Justin
  • Selena Gomez Bikini Justin

  • hyddan
    Jan 12, 02:05 AM
    Just like the "professional" iPods are all aluminium, and the "professional" iMac, not to mention the "professional" iPhone.

    Apple is going Alumium across the product line, for environmental reasons. The MacBooks will be the last plastic Macs made.

    Aluminum is much harder to recycle than plastic, so no, it isn't any better for the environment.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini and justin
  • selena gomez bikini and justin

  • johnnyham
    Jun 24, 10:52 AM
    As is the norm for most rumored Apple products... it's been done before to some extent. In this case, a company in Valencia, CA, humorously called Troll Touch (http://www.trolltouch.com) (wonder if they hang out on forums much?) performs touchscreen upgrades to virtually any Mac product. As I understand it, the majority of their customers are businesses (http://www.tomsguide.com/us/macworld-touchscreen-mac,news-417.html) that use touchscreen iMacs as point of sale machines, equipped with the [/url="http://www.xsilva.com"]Lightspeed POS[/url] software. And no, POS does not stand for what you call your '79 Ford Pinto.

    I could see there being a strong market for systems like these, especially considering the markup Apple could put on them. I've worked heavily with Radiant POS systems which run XP Embedded and used a few other XP Pro software packs and CE based devices - most of which crashed on a weekly basis. When running a retail/restaurant business, the last thing you want is to lost precious time and customers due to a faulty system. Macs have a great reputation with not crashing, so I can see why a smart business owner would see the advantage of investing in a few of these.

    As for incorporating iOS in there, I could see it being a very light "embedded" version of OS X that would be great for running on smaller, less powerful computers - much like XP Embedded. Kind of like what it is already, except capable of being run on other hardware platforms.

    And finally, I could see an iMac-based Surface-like Mac. You know, tabletop computing and all. Not as much market, but pretty dang cool, even if Microsoft has done it before. We all know Apple's always trying to one-up Microsoft.

    Be as it may though, I couldn't see Apple pumping out a consumer-level touchscreen iMac. For anything other than light, 15 minute usage, it would be a real pain. I couldn't see many non-business owners buying one. I'm putting my money (har har) on seeing an Apple produced iMac POS either running OS X or a slightly beefed up form of iOS. What do you think about the name OS X$?

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • Marx55
    Jul 14, 03:28 AM
    Cheaper Blu-ray next month: "BenQ to launch Blu-ray Disc writer in August"


    Blu-ray is awesome for backups as well as HDTV and HD movies in general. You can also have much more content on a Blu-ray than on a HD-DVD disk.

    So, should Blu-ray drop prices more to match HD-DVD as seems the trend, the election is clear: Blu-ray for ever!

    Apple: go for it with the option ot two-drive BTO Macs. We need them.

    selena gomez bikini and justin bieber. selena gomez bikini justin
  • selena gomez bikini justin

  • MicroByte
    Sep 12, 06:19 PM
    I got Night Sky (very dark blue).

    Man, I would have picked that one up immediately! I cannot believe those were the only 3 colors mine had, I'm gonna try the other BB tomorrow.

    So how do you like it? Does it seem like it would last?

    Nov 25, 01:07 PM
    They're just ****ing sunglasses...

    That's what I thought, but I have seen some in the $300 to $400 dollar range, more with precious stones (actually, much much more).

    These cool ones are $250 to $400 and quite nice, but so not me. I could never get enticed into high end, multi-purpose glasses unless they came bundled with OS X and I could navigate through it using just my mind. :)

    Mar 26, 10:56 AM
    That video makes me want to go fire up my PS3 :eek:

    Nov 28, 02:32 PM
    As far as # of units sold:
    XBox sold 27 million units
    Xbox 360 has sold 7 million so far, and Microsoft expects to sell a total of 10 million by year end.
    Sony has sold 200,000 units in the US, and won't hit 400,000 at year end.
    Wii has sold 400,000 units, and will hit an estimated 4 million by year end.

    Console sales (http://nexgenwars.com/)

    Go Wii!

    Jul 18, 09:56 AM
    Why not offer both a subscription and an a-la-carte system? The rental movies could be cheaper, lesser quality and last for only a certain amount of plays/days while the ones you buy to own can be of higher quality, more expensive and you get to keep it.

    Apr 26, 01:11 PM
    trademarking app store. How pompous. What's next, trademarking computer store, book store, pet store? LOL.

    Pet Store was trademarked but later abandoned:

    Trademark Electronic Search System (http://tess2.uspto.gov/)

    You'll have to search the term pet store. I can't post a link to the specific record.

    These things are commonly done. It may be a new concept to you so perhaps you should research the subject a bit.