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Thursday, May 19, 2011

justin bieber hottie pics

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  • SMM
    Nov 15, 06:52 PM
    What a very lovely analogy. Thank you.

    For me... 8 cores for the bragging rights only... so I guess I won't get one anytime soon. I'm sure 4 would suit me fine though, I need to upgrade my 1Ghz G4!!!

    I work with business applications, many of which are database intensive. I can think of many examples which would greatly improve performance and application reliability, if I could run processes in parallel, rather than in series.

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  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:52 PM
    Here is what makes me think it's not generic and apple would/should win.

    There have been other online stores that sell computer programs/applications before apple created the "app store" None of them used the word App in their store name.



    Apple launches a store just like these but better and called the store "App Store"

    July 10, 2009 Apple's "App Store launches". Pre this no online stores used the term "app"

    Post apples launch other phone makers/OS systems start to scramble.

    App Catalog = Palm
    App World = RIM
    Amazon AppStore = Amazon

    Stores that didn't ride apples coattails

    Android Market = Android
    Ovi Store = Nokia
    Windows Phone Marketplace = Microsoft.

    If "app store" was so obvioius and generic why did no one call their store "App store" until apple did? This is like everyone that argues that the iphone is so generic with it's icons and screen. I mean so obvious. No it's not obvioius.

    If it was obvious Netjar, Mobilerated, Steam etc.. would just say "App Store" instead of some other random word.

    Even the unauthorized iphone Store Cydia doesn't use the word app in their store name. "Unauthorized App Store" "Rogue App Store"

    App Store is apple.

    Even Wikipedia's serach term "app store" goes to the apple "app store" page. if want other onlilne phone stores you need to go to the disambiguation section.

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  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 20, 02:04 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It would have made sense if Apple would have built computers in the segment where the demand is for something more modular than the iMac but less OTT than the MP. As long as Apple is sticking both with that model and its head in the sand, it will seem strange...

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  • Machead III
    Aug 29, 08:55 AM
    A few weeks?!?!?/11!!1onehundred111!?

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  • Ochyandkaren
    Mar 27, 02:53 AM
    Ahaha, it's so much like a DS, I don't even.


    Stupid BBC journalist Rory Cellan-Jones strikes again:

    Gaming battle: 3DS v iPad 2 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/rorycellanjones/2011/03/3ds_v_ipad_2.html#comments) he wrote about the so much talked Death Of the Console.

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  • gldfsh419
    Jan 1, 07:39 PM
    So let's say that Steve announces iLife 07 and a release date for Leopard...

    If I buy a new MacBook Pro on January 10, is it possible that either of those items might be a free "upgrade" or add-on once they're available? I'm trying to remember how that's worked in the past, but I just can't recall.

    Can anyone help me out?

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  • Stridder44
    Sep 6, 07:05 PM
    A Netflix subscription and a spindle of DVD-R discs is cheaper then one new movie from Apple.

    Sorry, not interested.

    HA I like your style. Think I'll adopt it too.

    Honestly though, am I the only one who thinks they should change/add/replace iTunes and just keep it for music, and make a separate app for videos & films (or something)? The "iTunes Movie Store"? That sounds like the "Home Depot Car Dealership & Laser Tag Center". I understand Apples' all about simplicity, but buying movies from the music store to play in iTunes...then again it does make it simpler for the iPod...meh. I just think some form of change should be made here.

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  • foo*
    Nov 24, 11:38 PM
    It's also gonna be the most expensive Mac ever sold and I'm sure they want to give their customers their money's worth while at the same time giving their competition headaches. ;) :D

    Certainly not the most expensive mac ever sold. The 40 Mhz II fx was shipping while the II ci sported an MSRP of over $8,000 at 25Mhz. Cheapest the ci sold for even at developer discount at the end of its amazingly long 4+ year run was over $3,300, and those were late 80's dollars.

    So to my mind, a few grand on a new machine these days is dirt cheap.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 3, 03:03 AM
    Miles better than them 'If you don't own an iPhone...' ones.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Nov 29, 08:53 PM
    Obviously it's going to have a Blu-Ray drive and go head to head with the PS3.

    Apple may even include some games like Bejeweled that you can play with the remote.

    Everyone is fighting over the living room now. You can bet your bottom dollar, that Apple, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are going to be knocking on your door for the next few years. If you let them in, are they going to run for the bathroom or kitchen? Not likely. They are going to be running for the living room. And they are going to be coming with cameras. They are going to want to stay for a long time. They'll want cash up front and then monthly allowances.

    Who does that leave out? The one conglomerate that's never made a piece of hardware: Google. So where will Google look for help in integrating their software in living room hardware? Duh! Apple! But Apple better watch out, as soon as Google gets in the living room through Apple they'll open their services up to all hardware manufacturers and leave Apple in the dust. I just hope Apple has considered that likely possibility. Apple's like the Trojan horse which is carrying Google. We all know what happened to the soldiers inside the horse--they went and killed people. But we never hear about what happened to the actual horse. And that actual horse is Apple. Let's just hope they're full of something more than Google, or even worse just full of s_it.

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  • Bonch
    Apr 21, 11:59 AM
    Al has his reasons to be concerned.


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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 21, 09:52 AM
    Yeah, I loved his little 'wargasm' too.

    That little mushroom thingie probably took a few people along with it. I'd suggest that we keep our 'oohs' and 'aahs' limited to Fourth of July fireworks.

    There's a bit of "wargasm" in all of us. Some of us have less, some of us repress it to be "civilized". But if there were no army ants in addition to worker ants, the colony would have never made it.

    I'm just not "ashamed" to enjoy watching the now governer of California blow up things in make believe, and enjoy the types of games created by the business and tech legend who helped put computers in everybody's office and homes.

    Wow, that is a shocker.

    The U.S. Congress passed a law to prohibit any attempt to assassinate any foreign leader.

    Why, I don't know, but there it is. :confused:

    It's not an "assasination" in this case. It's a military leadership target of war. They killed many of Sadam Hussain's top people deliberately in the early days of the Iraq War for instance. If you're interested in seeing how many "assasinations" take place, Wikipedia lists that status on the wars we are invovled in where you can see KIA's of significant people. There you will find, KIA's on "Militant Islamic movement leaders" in addition to "generals"....sometimes tracked and blown up by a drone prolly flown from arround the world. When you "declare war", anything goes apparently.

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  • kadajawi
    Sep 6, 10:54 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?
    Just ordered mine :) The line up is nice because the lower end is pretty decent already with the Core Duo.

    Why would I prefer the Mini... because a decent 19" widescreen is very cheap, and bigger, and I have a few monitors (ok, CRT, but what the heck...). Because people might have one of the HDTV LCDs or Plasmas and they want to use it in the living room (add a tv tuner and you have a nice HTPC).
    You can always add an external DVD writer and HDD (which would be faster too).

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  • iJimmy
    Feb 8, 11:08 AM

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  • Tommyg117
    Sep 6, 07:35 PM
    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod. Sure you can use the output from the dock to play it on your tv, but if you have a slightly big tv, it doesn't look DVD quality.

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  • joe.cavers
    Feb 23, 03:53 AM
    No idea what film that is, but I do spy Handbrake on the MacBook, which looks identical to the one that I just retired. My optical drive in that machine was starting to go, I think. Only thing I've used the one in the new MacBook Pro for is to reinstall the OS after I got it...

    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!

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  • diego
    Jan 12, 05:20 PM
    no one has mentioned that the font used in the banners is Myriad Pro Light instead of the typical Myriad Pro Semibold or Regular.. hmm

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 6, 10:40 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?Needs to be $499 for the base. I agree with you. BUT, did anyone notice they have a DDR333 ram description when it is really PC 5300 running @ 667MHz? What a screwup. :eek:

    Omni via Ramseeker.com (http://Ramseeker.com) has a pair of 1GB sticks for $174 instead of Apple's $225. Save $50 and have something to sell on eBay. - two 256 sticks. Wonder if anyone is buying those? Seems like so small.

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 25, 07:56 PM
    It is quite impressive, but a racing game is definitely not the sort of thing that is remotely comfortable to play on a touch screen. They need precise control to be fun and no tablet or touch screen device will ever off that.

    Not only precision, but force feedback, so that one can feel the difference between an open wheel racer vs muscle car, or the force of a turn based on the speed, or when they've damaged a wheel, or gone off road, etc. :)

    This iPad game is more or less a novelty.

    Oct 23, 10:40 PM
    Resistance is futile.

    That's right.... I bought a MBP nearly a month ago and while I'm very happy with it, I'm still here.... :o

    Mar 23, 08:03 PM
    I cracked open my 5th gen 80GB last year and replaced it with a 220GB kit from Apricorn, so I'm not sure why this drive has been described as "new".

    Regardless, like many people here, my library is huge (over 12K songs, plus videos, podcasts, etc), so a flash-based iPod wasn't a solution for me. I'm glad they'll keep the Classic going for awhile longer.

    Jul 18, 06:54 AM
    This would only be viable via streaming, and that won't happen because you can't stream to an iPod.

    Therefore, we can expect a big download. I imagine the movies will be the same quality as can be found currently in the store. Remember, the online store is to drive IPOD sales. Apple does not have a Music Store because it wants you to have music so badly. The point of a Movie Store would be to drive 6G iPod sales. Therefore, it makes sense to optimize the viewing experience for iPods.

    The only way this would be viable, in my opinion, is if a rental were $1.99-$2.99 MAX. Other than that, I can bloody well use Netflix and Instant Handbrake (deleting the files once I return the movie). I am not so impatient that I can't wait 1 day to get a movie from my queue. For $1.99, I could be persuaded.

    However, let's be real here. Bandwidth + movie companies greed = huge prices. I can totally see them trying to do this at $9.99, which is warped and insane (and therefore right in line with content producers' mindsets). Even $4.99 is nuttery.

    Now... when Apple finds a way to stream movies to an Apple high-speed MVNO-equipped iPod -- now THAT would be hot. But that won't be around for years, if ever at all.

    Finally, no way in Hades is this to be announced at WWDC. Maybe a week before or after, but NOT at the same time. I actually don't envision this announcement being made at all, as it would surely coincide with a new iPod (and aren't those all supposed to be delayed?).

    Sep 9, 01:33 PM
    Does anybody know how it will fit in a last gen case?

    Mar 18, 09:10 AM
    In Libya, there's a massive peace movement against Gaddafi. You don't have that in country "X".

    I think that really depends on what country "X" is, and on your perspective.

    Is this the peace movement you mean?


    this isn't forcefully spreading democracy like Bush did...


    Plus we aren't sending in a ground force to occupy the country if we did that I would have a problem with it.

    Are missiles okay? How about bombs?