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Sunday, May 22, 2011

justin bieber and selena gomez oscars

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  • Yahgo
    Sep 7, 10:32 AM
    I forgot to mention this in my earlier post.

    Netflix and Blockbuster's Mail Delivery Business Plan is flawed. Here's why:

    1) Physical DVDs starch and become useless after many times of use or by shipping and handling.

    2) Shipping Cost is only going to increase and this is an overhead that NO COMPANY WANTS. Plus having to maintain distributing centers in each state with physical inventory that has to be maintained, organized and checked for quality control.

    3) People watch movies on an impulse. Do you ever plan what movie you are going to watch several days in advance? NO. I know at my house, we subscribed to Blockbusters DVD Mail Service only because we get 2 Free in-store movie rentals each month. This is because I don't know what I want to watch, until I go to the store and see what they have available and what MOOD we're in. Maybe I felt like a Comedy a couple of days ago, but now I want a Thriller, so instant gratification is a BIG KEY to this new service from Apple. Whatever mood you are in, you don't have to wait a few days to receive it from Netflix, just to play it and it's so starched up that you are not able to view it.

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  • MaenXe
    Apr 26, 01:33 PM
    trademarking app store. How pompous. What's next, trademarking computer store, book store, pet store? LOL.

    App is shorthand for Application, it's been in use for almost 20 years: http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=app

    App Store is a descriptive term for a shop selling a specific product. Such as Pet Store rather than Domestic Animal Store, or PC Store rather than Computer Store. By Apple's reasoning, the first person who used the term Pet Store should have Trademarked it and cornered the market. But since several companies started selling Pets at their Pet Stores without a Trademark, then the term was considered common place.

    Personally, I think that the terms iPhone App Store, iTunes App Store, and Mac App Store should be trademarked and would be respected by the general industry.

    Also, in Amazon's defense, there usage is Amazon "AppStore", not Amazon "App Store". So, splitting hairs, it's not the same.


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  • DanChosich
    Oct 23, 05:01 PM
    I sure hope DanCosich's post is true! I just had my 12" Powerbook stolen from me last week and my insurance company is paying for an equal replacement or if one isn't available, the next thing up. Looks like a 15" MBP is the next thing up! Going from a 1.33GHz G4 to a C2D MBP is just a plain silly upgrade. I'm out $1000 from a deductible, but that's quite the upgrade for $1000. I'd say it was worth the theft except the fact that my car got busted up as well.

    *crosses fingers*

    It's true, as far I know. I told you guys verbatim what I was told. If he is lying I will be just as disappointed as you. I don't know why he would lie to me, I used to work with him, and he's best friends with the store director. So, we just have to wait and hope that tomorrow brings us joy.

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  • blondepianist
    Mar 22, 08:01 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Because USB is much slower than a hard drive. It's why the iPod originally shipped with FireWire.

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  • Built
    Apr 3, 05:55 AM
    Ah, the fine sound of someone clutching at straws...

    You'd do better to revise your opinion with a little more research and analysis, rather than keep digging yourself into ever more ridiculous holes in an argument you don't even realise you have lost.

    Another Apple apologist surfaces! Instead of holding Apple responsible for providing a defect-free product, you make excuses for them and ridicule those for whom such major issues as light bleed and other quality control issues are unacceptable in a relatively costly piece of consumer electronics.

    You are all quite entertaining in your defense of Apple...especially Matassas or whatever his name his trying to pass the light bleed issue as minor and isolated, despite the fact that it is being reported all over the Internet. The only real trolls here are you and your fellow Apple apologists.

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  • Thirdeye9
    Apr 22, 11:02 AM
    Ipod touch with a storage of classic... But then we say classic good bye :(
    I think apple made mistake calling an Ipod touch - Ipod :) they should call this staff - Itouch :D and there would no be anny problem. Because both machines wouldn't compete with each other and there wouldn't be any discussion which one is better - they would be just different apple staff. And "classic" wouldn't be considered as something old and out of fashion but would sit on his throne of best and timeless mp3 player on market :)
    Now if they want turn classic on his road they have to call him "holly grahl of sound" :D and of course improve it a bit.

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  • FFTT
    Nov 18, 08:56 PM
    I think the number or cores will finally level off for a while once 8 core machines
    become mainstream.

    The next goal will be production refinements like 45 nm production for greater energy efficiency.

    Software developers will need to re-train or hire new software engineers who know how to take advantage of multi-core architecture.

    The big question for those who must have the newest, most powerful system will be how much RAM they'll need to take advantage of the new architecture.

    There are quite a few audio/video production professionals wondering how all this
    will help to improve their workflow capabilties.

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  • oracle_ab
    Apr 27, 10:03 AM
    Context doesn't impact a trademark either. The only thing that would permit anyone to use the "App Store" trademark if it was granted would be outside of Apple's selected field of trade.

    I could call my restaurant "App Store" because Apple did not trademark App Store as it relates to restoration and food. I could call my new Car model the "GM App Store", as it does not relate to the field in which Apple trademarked it.

    I can't however call my store that sells Applications "App Store" or use "App Store" in a portion of its name, or for the slogan "KnightMarket : The best darn App Store!"

    That is why descriptive trademarks aren't usually awarded and granted. Because it gives too much power to a single entity in a certain field of trade. We'll see how the USPTO decides this when they hand in their final decision in Apple's request, especially now that Microsoft filed in the opposition phase (which is exactly why the USPTO has an opposition phase to begin with).

    This I totally agree with. In regard to written language, context makes a difference. Context may be substituted for your more correct language of "field of trade." One wouldn't be in violation of the trademark if presenting it in general terms (outside of the field or in reference to something w/in the field, much like Windows OS vs. GUI windows), but would be if they wanted to use the term w/in their own title w/in the same field.

    I think we're saying the same things, but perhaps my original post wasn't clear and relied to heavily on implied understanding....

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  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 12:11 PM
    Thank God I cannot already afford the 20", and am on my way to saving up enough for this kind of equipment.

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  • maxinc
    Mar 24, 01:07 PM
    Good. The new iMacs must be getting pretty close now. Can't wait!!!

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  • Deechh
    Nov 26, 04:57 PM

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 30, 12:28 PM
    Apple Store Refurbs.

    A few days ago all the Mini refurbs disappeared from the Apple Store refurb list. After the Think Secret announcement, not only did they come back, but they added PPC models and a 1.66 Core Duo with 1GB RAM & 100GB HDD. Today, there is only one PPC model listed and that's it. Might be just coincidence, but that's a lot of activity.

    Anyone know - Do current models usually disappear right before a speed bump and then reappear at a reduced price when new models are available?SAVE page prices don''t go down when new models appear. They are already reduced from original prices. For example, PowerBook G4's are still at the same price they were last year as are the Quad G5 since February. I wouldn't go for a Solo at Fry's at any price. But if the CD with 1GB RAM and 100GB HD were $599 on the SAVE page, it almost might be a steal if the MacBooks weren't $949. But then you could put a 2.33GHz Merom in there and pray. :)

    Oh I see. You buy the Core Solo at Fry's for $499 and then put Merom C2D 2.33GHz in immediately and pray. :) I am hesitant to immediately void a new mini warranty when a 1.83GHz model is soon. A 2.33 Merom will cost over $600 I think. Probably worth waiting for the 1.66GHz DC for $599 next week or so.

    There should be a lot of churn in that secton of the SAVE page listings. IE more will come back every few days as the overstock and demos come in for inspection and then offerings. Do you remember what the price was for the 1.66GHz CD 1GB RAM 100GB HD? Will be interesting to see how much that config will cost when the new models ship. :)Is this all Fry's stores, or just the one you're referring to. If it's store-wide, I might actually have to make a trip down to my local Burbank Fry's store after work tonight. :)Check you LA Times insert or copy of it online. Or phone them first. Sometimes offerings up here aren't made down there and vice versa.

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  • milo
    Sep 7, 08:01 AM
    Personally, I wouldn't want to DL a large movie file without the option of being able to burn it to DVD so I can have that tangible hard copy that makes me feel safe and warm. Then I wouldn't have a problem deleting it off of my hard drive.

    I don't think there's any question about that...it's just that you'd burn it to a data DVD and play it in computers with the DRM enabled, not on a DVD player. Backing up drm media isn't limited, just playing it back.

    Hopefully someday we'll see real DVD burns allowed, but the way the studios are going I don't know how likey that is.

    Unlike music, you rarely watch a movie twice.

    I think you meant to say "*I* rarely watch a movie twice". You may not, but many people do, especially kids, who will be well covered by disney releases. It really just depends on the consumer and the movie, there's no question that millions of DVDs are sold.

    There are a few issues with rentals. Besides DRM, they'd have to compete with netflix and similar companies, which would mean the price would have to be incredibly cheap, probably far less than the studios would be willing to go (don't forget, really the studios are setting prices, not apple). There's simply no way they could compete with netflix without losing money (assuming the studios even allowed it, which would never happen).

    And for all the people who will be disappointed if apple can't compete with their piracy scheme? Give me a freaking break. :rolleyes:

    The best option (besides a rental model, which we know is not going to happen) would be to release a media center (iTheatre, iHome, etc.) that has a 250GB or 500GB hard-drive. All the movies could be downloaded through the GUI on the TV!

    But apple has an even better idea, just have an airport on your tv and stream the video from ANY computer in your house. WAY cheaper, and you're not wasting an expensive computer by having it sitting by the TV all day instead of using it for computer stuff.

    But yes... paying for something that it can be accidentally DELETED from your harddrive is NOT cool...

    So back it up, why would it be any different than the video and audio content apple already sells? Their current DRM hasn't been hacked yet, has it?

    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod.

    You won't just watch these on an ipod, apple will release a streaming solution for TVs along with the movie store.

    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song.

    But sending you files over and over costs apple money. Why don't you just back your files up?

    HD or whatever you fancy, it's cool with me, but talking about quality, why are the iTunes songs still at that lousy 128 bitrate. I mean if they can do movies, nice quality (at least 256) songs are not that diffucult?

    Because 128 is "good enough" for most listeners. The "good enough" point for movies is probably 480(i or p).

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 27, 02:04 AM
    We can't expect Apple to change the name "App store" can't we? Irresponsible software developers, just stop causing confusion, please.

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  • wilycoder
    Apr 21, 12:32 PM
    You know you're talking to a fanboy when they dismiss and downplay an issue such as this one.

    You should be ashamed. You think because someone makes a shiny phone they can treat you this way?

    I wonder how Steve would feel if people could know his location 24/7...

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  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 31, 12:18 AM
    I'm still not toally sold on the whole iTv thing. Hopefully an apple TV would have one of these built in. $299 seems very expensive for such low quality files.

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  • Xavier
    Nov 27, 02:40 PM
    I wouldn't mind this happening! I have been stuck with a 15 inch (not even wide screen) for a long time, but being low budget, haven't been able to afford the models I wanted. I hope that Apple produces this

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 16, 02:18 PM
    well guys, i might be cutting back even more for right now. heat is becoming an issue. i made a thread about it here (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=8645334#post8645334). at my current rate, i think i'll have the air on in my apartment in the dead of winter!

    I know what you mean, my small house keeps toasty just from the computers running. The problem is getting the heat moved from the computer room... thus a box fan in the door pushing in cool air at the bottom.

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  • vitaflo
    Nov 28, 11:15 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Given that the Xbox's market share was only about 20%, you probably can't use market share as a measure either.

    Aug 24, 08:27 PM
    Is the intel tiger server edition available now?

    Apr 12, 09:14 PM
    Does anyone else think there will also be an update to QT X as well? Probably one of the most useless tools on the Mac right now. QTPro is still more useful for work. Just the idea that the buttons cover up the picture at all makes QTX pretty useless. I hope to see a real QTPro X. Bring back the FRAME counter (not just time) and get those controls OFF the picture!!!

    YES! Frame counter AND source TC! I still use QT Pro for everything.

    May 2, 05:51 PM
    Whatever happened to Command-Delete?

    ....this is starting to look like Aero in Windows Vista.

    See any similarities?

    Image (http://thecustomizewindows.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/How-to-remove-the-confirmation-prompt-to-delete-any-file-in-Windows-7-2.png)

    Image (http://cdn.macrumors.com/article/2011/05/02/171331-lion_delete_evernote.jpg)

    That Windows dialog is horrible. Why is there so much info? Are the file size and image dimensions really helping me decided whether or not I want to delete it? And it has the classic Windows "Yes" and "No" buttons (instead of having something useful like Cancel and Delete). If that dialog pops up, you have to squint your eyes and look all over until you see "Delete ..." in the upper left corner, then take a second to make sure "Yes" actually means "Delete". And if you want to cancel, should you hit "No" or the X in the top right?

    That OS X dialog IS NOTHING like that Aero dialog.

    Apr 12, 10:07 PM
    i mostly just do smaller editing projects, and obviously information is somewhat limited at this point, but i really do like what i hear. sounds like hardware will be much better utilized to let you play with your footage without as many costly timeline renders. we'll see how the potential pans out, but i'm eager to give it a test drive!

    Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Yes, the XBox was sold at a loss, but now they are a powerful and permanent player in the multi-billion-dollar gaming console industry. They'll make back their billions by the time "XBox 2πr" comes out.

    The Zune is a different story:

    [Zune] will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange.

    Nail on head, my friend. Nail on head.

    See ya later, Zune.
