> Kanimozhi Buzz: bieber cut out
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

bieber cut out

bieber cut out. Cardboard Cutout / Standee
  • Cardboard Cutout / Standee

  • socamx
    Jan 12, 10:46 AM
    Take a look at this:


    Personaly i think it's fake, because of the non-capital letter on the begining of the second sentence... but who knows it could be true the disposition of the this so called macbook air is quite original and not in the tradicional way laptop upside down opened a little...

    It looks exactly like the 15 inch Macbook Pro. You can clearly make out the cd drive, the IR port for the remote and the button to release the screen.

    bieber cut out. Cutout, decorations, tweeted a
  • Cutout, decorations, tweeted a

  • BlizzardBomb
    Sep 1, 01:17 PM
    Just think of how high the resolution on a 42" screen would be like. 4800 x 3000? At least a dozen megapixels!

    Hmm.. I don't think that's a valid resolution. The next 16:10 up is WQUXGA at 3840x2400 and if Apple go crazy, WHUXGA at a monstrous 7680x4800 (the benchmark in 2015 ;) ).

    Conroe inside a new design is much more likely.

    Much more likely according to who? Sorry but when two great sites like AppleInsider and MacOSXRumors agree 100% with each other, then it seems that it's almost certainly going to be that way.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out. justin
  • justin ieber cut out. justin

  • cburton04
    Feb 23, 06:43 PM
    MacBook Pro 2.16GHz C2D with Dell U2211H (http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Displays/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&cs=19&sku=320-9271).
    Visidec monitor arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-Articulated-Monitor-Support-Displays/dp/B001M4HF3I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-1) and laptop arm (http://www.amazon.com/Visidec-VF-AT-NK-Monitor-Displays-Polished/dp/B002UJVIA0/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502587&sr=8-3).
    Macally ICEKEY Keyboard (http://www.amazon.com/Macally-USB-Slim-Keyboard-ICEKEY/dp/B00006HYP6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1298502832&sr=8-1) with Logitech mouse (this (http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-910-001204-Corded-Mouse-M500/dp/B002B3YCQM/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1298502892&sr=8-14) is the current version of it).
    Galant desk (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S39837008) from IKEA.
    Other things include juggling balls, dry-erase markers, an iPhone, and a card from my grandmother.

    Cool setup with the monitor and laptop mount.

    bieber cut out. Bieber Carboard Cutout and
  • Bieber Carboard Cutout and

  • isgoed
    Aug 25, 07:30 AM
    and will feature the 965 graphics chipset which frankly is a very nice and inexpenisve graphics solution.Oh as a side note. The 965 chipset which features the GMA 3000 or GMA X3000 will indeed have more features (http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=2837), but preliminary benchmarks (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pconline.com.cn%2Fmarket%2Fsh%2Fshoppingguide%2Fchangshang%2F0608%2F844 892.html&langpair=zh-CN%7Cen&hl=en&ie=UTF8) show it performing even worse than the GMA 950.

    Edit: And you may be quite right on your prediction of the 965 chipset. Due to a design flaw (http://digitimes.com/mobos/a20060731A5025.html) in the integrated graphics subsystem (GMA X3000/3000) the availability of the chips has been delayed to mid August, making them just in time for new Mini's in September.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out board.
  • justin ieber cut out board.

  • Time Less
    Mar 25, 03:41 PM
    Can the new GPU even do 1080p?

    i would think so since apple says the ipad 2 will output 1080p to a tv. only 720p for iphone 4.

    bieber cut out. ieber cut out.
  • ieber cut out.

  • broncopde
    Jun 24, 02:01 AM
    I just don't see people wanting to have their arms up like that to use a desktop computer. It works so well on the iPad cause you can use it where your hands are already sitting (in your lap). But this...doesn't strike as being very practical at all.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out mask.
  • justin ieber cut out mask.

  • flyfish29
    Mar 25, 10:27 PM
    market share market schmare! I think apple is doing great. The kind of person that would buy a 5-6 hundred dollar mac would not buy many or any additional programs as they would probably just surf the net, take dig. pics, etc. and watch them on their tv...if that much. That is not going to bring us any new or additional software. They would not use Palms so Palm would not all of the sudden make their software again. It would cost Apple money to develop the machine, support it, and update it not to mention marketing, etc. Apple resellers would have to buy them and use up precious inventory money on those rather than things they would be making money off of.

    I think Apple needs to promote their best thing: software! They are a software company that also happens to make some great hardware, but they have almost always focused on hardware. G5, iMac, iPod, Powerbook, etc. were all supported heavily in print and other media. what about OSX??? iLife gets some support in print...iTunes is the only real app. that gets much support in marketing and look where Apple is with it! Making huge bucks! If they want people to switch in numbers they need to show the software working and what you can do with it. The switch campaign did this some, but people foucsed on the people and their little jokes and quirks and not the software. Apple needs to shed their image of "only for artists and students/teachers" and not for business, not for internet, not compatible with such and such, etc. These are all parts of their image that people still believe and they need to change their image. Not everone sees different as better. I don't think it should be Apple's job to make everyone see that different is better...just make them see that Apple's product is better!

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out board.
  • justin ieber cut out board.

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 12:50 AM
    What computers do you have operating to get those points? You must be an IT admin or something surely they are not your computers?

    Actually they ARE all mine along with the electric bill and heat :p I have 4 amd athlon x2 4400+ machines which don't produce vary many points, a phenom x4 9600, a phenom II x4 965 black with 3 gpu's, core i7 920 with 3 gpu's and a 2009 Mac Pro 2x2.66 cpu's running bigadv units. The gpu's are 2 x GT 260 and 4 x GTX 275. I know that is a bit of money and the power bill is quite high, but hey it's a thing to spend money on I suppose. I could spend it on my house and yard which could use it but...

    At work we have a pile of new Nehalem Dell's and IBM power 7's that I would love to fold on but I can't do that because it would interfere with the work they have to do which is bio science related as well. And well, I would lose my job... they aren't very keen on personal use of company hardware.

    bieber cut out. life size justin ieber cut
  • life size justin ieber cut

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 26, 01:14 PM
    Pet Store was trademarked but later abandoned:

    Pet Store Trademark (http://tess2.uspto.gov/)

    These things are commonly done. It may be a new concept to you so perhaps you should research the subject a bit.

    Pet Store, the trademark, was not a word mark but a Typed Drawing mark. Hence it's the logo itself that was trademarked, not the phrase.

    Try again.

    Anyway, didn't Apple again use "We have the largest App Store" in their financials just last week, implying other "App Stores" weren't as large but that the term App Store is quite descriptive and generic ?

    Too bad for them they keep diluting their own trademark. Anyway, until the USPTO is done with their opposition phase, it's not decided yet.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out.
  • justin ieber cut out.

  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 19, 03:25 PM
    Some pics of my Impreza after a night of freezing rain:


    awesome shot.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out. justin
  • justin ieber cut out. justin

  • Bregalad
    Apr 19, 11:15 PM
    The new CPU ships February 20 and it takes two months for supplies to become constrained. Knowing Apple they'll deliberately hold off another month just to make sure they're a full quarter behind everyone else. After all desktop computers are so last century. Except that "we" need something to plug our iDevices into.

    I don't though. My only iDevice is a touch that's now too old to accept the latest OS and there's zero chance that I'll ever buy another one of those. I can't justify the monthly charges for an iPhone and the iPad is pointless if you don't live in coffee shops and carry your life around in a messenger bag.

    Part of me is glad Apple is doing well, but I don't see any indications that Apple will ever again make products for me. Guess I need to start learning about "distros".

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out board.
  • justin ieber cut out board.

  • spicyapple
    Aug 29, 01:54 PM
    Hope they bring back the $499 price point, Merom or not
    I agree. :)

    I was shocked when the price of the core duo minis increased in price above $500. As mentioned several times, that is the reason to buy a Mac mini. I think we'll see meroms in the iMacs as they represent the mid-level Macs in Apples line-up.

    bieber cut out. life size justin ieber cut
  • life size justin ieber cut

  • tuartboy
    Nov 28, 10:10 AM
    "Microsoft is going to put tons of money in this over time, much like they did with the Xbox" video game console, she said. "It's not about the first generation (of devices)."

    Isn't the non-360 version of the Xbox the first generation?

    Didn't it sell very well?

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out mask.
  • justin ieber cut out mask.

  • AppleNewton
    Mar 1, 05:26 PM
    New set up, still awaiting my 27" Display and 15" i7 MacBook Pro :D
    (not great quality, taken with iPhone 4)

    Old set up, was a little tight:
    (taken with much nicer camera :p)

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out life
  • justin ieber cut out life

  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 23, 11:25 AM
    Hey, if there's a rumor every single week that upgraded macbooks/mbps, it will eventually be true! :D :D :D

    When it finally does come true, MR will announce it snidely: "Apple announces upgraded notebooks today, as predicted..." and link back to the one rumor (of dozens, I think) that was accurate.

    Of course... That's the way a lot of this "inside" info works. There were several rumor sites claiming updated MBP systems at Photokina. For the sake of not flaming one only to flame another, the claims made by most of these sites mysteriously vanished by about day 2 of Photokina. They made a huge deal over it and then no retractions or anything, they just pulled the articles from their sites as if it had never existed. AppleInsider did this, but they must have actually got real insider info because they pulled their little tidbit about it the day before Apple's Photokina event (Aperture update). So someone must have tipped them off that no notebook update was happening.

    bieber cut out. Check out below the new
  • Check out below the new

  • swajames
    Mar 22, 03:56 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    Of course they do - and many people will have even more. Apple offers smaller capacity devices for those with smaller libraries. For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town. Why wouldn't you want to be able to take your entire library with you wherever you go? The Classic isn't a dinosaur - it's the best at what it does and it remains the choice of the connoisseur.

    bieber cut out. justin ieber cut out mask.
  • justin ieber cut out mask.

  • RayLancer
    Oct 2, 10:43 AM
    I also bought mine from ebay


    I bought one shipped from California on ebay. Maybe I just have horrible luck seeing that you and wolfboy had no issues. I already bought some silcone cases for protection for the 2 iPods I own, but I guess I can give this another shot...

    bieber cut out. Tag Archives: Justin Bieber cut out
  • Tag Archives: Justin Bieber cut out

  • ATG
    Sep 7, 12:48 PM
    To be honest I don't care about movies�


    bieber cut out. JUSTIN BIEBER went all out
  • JUSTIN BIEBER went all out

  • MisterK
    Apr 3, 11:25 AM
    I loved this ad. The voiceover reminds me of old Hal Riney commercials, where there is a reverence for the product � a person with quiet confidence telling you a "truth". When the message is a simple one, it's easier to tell a compelling story. Here's the message: when you don't notice the tech the experience feels magical.

    There's nothing wrong with this. Magic is what tech is at its finest. Engineers and developers become mired in the details of how to make it work and think that's the important part, and then we get awful commercials boasting specs. When we lift abstractions and technological explanations, the things we do become more fantastic. We don't visit websites, but can see all the knowledge of the world. We don't Skype; we talk face-to-face with distant loved ones. We don't use Photoshop brushes; we create images with our fingers. Why are the details of how that happens the important part?

    TBWA are the marketing geniuses that have always done Apple's stuff and I'm glad they saw this nugget of truth in Apple's iPad message. This is what we have to do in the advertising business (yes, I'm in it). I've been lucky enough to work with TBWA and can say that they are the real deal. They are true MadMen who honestly look for the most beautiful truth in the products they are asked to sell and then speak that truth more eloquently than everyone else.

    People who identify this as "simply advertising" are missing the point. You're not the smartest kid in the playground when you tell everyone that Santa doesn't exist. The smart ones are the kids enjoying Christmas.

    Sep 7, 03:07 PM
    I have been a Mac user since 1986. I'm not a superuser or a gamer, but the one thing I have learned is to avoid models with too much built-in obsolescence (e.g. my old firewire-less, low-resolution clamshell iBook and the late-model CD-burner-less white iBook G3 that replaced it, not to mention the Powerbook 150 [agh!], Mac Classic [aaagggh!], etc.). Except for the lack of built-in DVD capability, the lampshade 700 MHZ G4 iMac has been a great investment.

    So here is my question. Are the $599 mini and $999 iMac going to become obsolete much faster than the $1199 iMac? Do the dedicated video RAM and Core 2 Duo (iMacs) make much of difference? I already have an external DVD burner and plan to buy 2GB RAM.

    Actually the move to Intel has opened Apple to fast depreciation - and that isnt going away.

    Many here seem to 'bitch' that Mac is now in competition with the PC in the hardware stakes and sadly that damages your resale value however the benefits are immense, I am sure Apple will be able to secure lower unit costs aswell as faster processors and newer technology. Its great for apple and for us buying, just bad if you sell hardware before it looses all value completely. It also means we will see these refreshes more often and so we will be buying more up to date hardware which as a PC user is great...

    To me the move to intel has made Mac a viable option, especially given Bootcamp.

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 19, 12:56 PM
    Actually, the US is supplying EWar and Communications as well. The AWACS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_Early_Warning_and_Control) planes themselves can be considered like "mother ships" of today and fill command and control functions.

    Command craft often make the decisions and lead attack and defense tactics. It's not necessarily the ppl who have the "front line" forces are in the ones who are the major player. "Fighter planes" are just like drones with people in them. They follow orders and do not lead anything. It would be like saying the marines are the leading authority in war. They are not. They are just machine operators who pull the trigger.

    yet again it goes back to who has AWACS which yet again is the US. do not have as many AWACS and AWACS are very critically for providing communication and support.

    May 2, 05:28 PM
    iOS style multitasking features (benefits) are indeed in Lion.

    Applications written for Lion can "suspend and resume" without having to "save and close" documents. The reason the little light below running apps on the Dock was removed is that "running" is now more of a decision between the App and OS -- not so much the user. (APP - "Am I idle right now? Can I resume from this point very quickly? If so, I'll just suspend myself till the user or an event wakes me back up. No need to burn RAM or CPU, the user won't even notice I'm not here.)

    There is no reason with modern computer architecture for humans to do memory management by getting involved with which programs are actually physically in memory/active. We have 7200rpm SATA3 or SSD drives, multicore processors with Gigahertz speeds, and Gigabytes of RAM...

    The way we interact with Multitasking in Windows 7 and OS X Snow Leopard is based on the hardware limitations imposed by 640K RAM, 4.7 Megahertz single core processor, and Floppy Disks. Apple took the first brave step away from that with iOS. It's good to see it moving forward in Lion.

    So you're saying we should go back to Mac OS Classic cooperative multi-tasking ?

    Hello ?

    The 80s called, they want their computing paradigms back. Cooperative multi-tasking makes sense on ressource limited architectures. Even the iPhone/iPad like devices are far from "ressource limited". We had pre-emptive multi-tasking on much less capable devices (think 386s with 8 MB of RAM).

    Mar 20, 06:13 PM
    Like homeopathy, religion can encourage one to do nothing of value ('let's pray for Japan', 'let's try to cure cancer with just water') rather than something physical which actually has an effect. It could be construed as being dangerous and damaging in that sense.

    But like homeopathy religion can achieve positive things too.

    Oct 24, 12:59 AM
    What a crock of nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Apparently, your idea of "corrupt" is to tell the truth about products instead of letting unsafe, Chinese garbage get pushed on the world with millions in advertising, but not a useful word in the bunch. Do you think Apple is going to advertise their antenna problem or Suzuki is going to brag that their vehicle is more likely to roll over than most other vehicles on the road? Heck no. Most magazines take money directly from the manufacturers that advertise in their magazines and thus have a total conflict of interests. Here's a magazine that doesn't take a dime from advertisers and thus has no reason to pick on anyone or lie about anything. But YOU call that "corruption." That's like Republicans saying they will create jobs (and leave out the "in China" part).

    First off, Consumer Reports makes money by selling subscriptions which means free press is good for them. Sensational popular bad reviews gets them publicity - good reviews get them nothing. In fact their video review was so obviously biased and unprofessional it was a joke. The guy should have been wearing an "Down with Apple" T-shirt with the Android robot peeing on the Apple logo.

    Second, the Suzuki Samarai is not a Chinese vehicle - Suzuki is a Japanese company.

    Third, save your political slant for some other forum - we talk tech here - not politics.

    Fourth, hate China much?

    Fifth, I personally tried to verify Consumer Reports claims in multiple iPhone-4 units to no avail. I'm still holding off for iPhone-5 to save my budget, but all I can say about iPhone-4 is that it's the best phone I've ever seen.