> Kanimozhi Buzz: selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010

selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez demi lovato miley
  • selena gomez demi lovato miley

  • arkmannj
    Mar 22, 10:24 PM
    bring on 220GB, and I'd LOVE if they brought back the ability to connect via Firewire. :)

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Mac Fly (film)
    Sep 6, 07:11 PM
    Quality is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important to me, than price.
    There I said it!

    When I see those delicious trailers, I cry for movies like that. Please God make it happen. 720p would be unbelievable, but I would believe it.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez demi lovato miley
  • selena gomez demi lovato miley

  • alent1234
    Apr 22, 09:43 AM
    Why would Apple release an iMac refresh a couple of months before a new OS debuts? Also, this would be the FASTEST REFRESH IN APPLE HISTORY at 9 months.

    You all fell for the hype and made Bri@n T0ng (eat that SEO) and Sea-NET advertising revenue. :rolleyes:

    because a lot of people will buy the iMac and then 10.7 for another $29 or so. more money in their pockets

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • WCat
    Jul 19, 05:10 PM
    Like some others here have asked, I just have to wonder how some of these top-tier analysts manage to maintain cred with such lousy predictions? Not only were they off on the numbers quite a bit, but they were also off in the overall direction. That's pretty major.

    Leave it to Apple to prove the "common knowledge" wrong yet again! Isn't that what they're best at??

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Filed under: Demi Lovato by
  • Filed under: Demi Lovato by

  • Naimfan
    Mar 22, 12:14 PM
    Yeah, but homosexuality is a choice.


    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. I love Selena Gomez!
  • I love Selena Gomez!

  • Porchland
    Sep 8, 04:16 PM
    And one other thing. The iTMS would keep track of what you've rented, and if you decide you'd like to own that movie later, you can purchase it by paying the difference in price between the rental and purchase. So, for a movie that was $4.99 rental and $14.99 puchase, you'd pay $10. Now THAT would be sweet!

    I've actually submitted feedback to Apple before suggesting that you should get a $1 discount on an album if you've already bought a single track. I can think of a number of times that I've thought about buying a whole album but feeling like it was a bad value because I would be spending more money on it than if I had just bought the album in the first place. But with even a $1 discount, I probably would have rolled the dice on more albums.

    I like your idea for the same reasons.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Gomez and Miley Cyrus
  • Gomez and Miley Cyrus

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 26, 08:58 PM
    It's already been done.


    Nice try. How about a commercial, for-profit app?

    Good luck with your search.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato
  • Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato

  • *LTD*
    Apr 22, 10:03 PM
    I am more interested in knowing what good or purpose this is even been added for?

    plus unencrypted is a major privacy concern ... just of the top of my mind, I can see where someone's house could be broken into by tracking the owners whereabouts.

    As opposed to the much easier method of everyone in your neighbourhood noticing you're at work all day? :confused:

    There are many people whose movements are best kept secret from certain others, with risk of life if revealed.

    Battered women or kids in a secret shelter home, witness protection participants, undercover agents of all sorts, dissidents and rebels.

    On a less serious note, there are probably some bosses who gave out iPhones, checking company iTunes hosts this weekned to see if their employees' travel receipts and sick days match their movements.

    A HUGE stretch. There are other, easier ways of finding people. People in witness protection . . . carry items and live in areas that suit their situation. They are told what to do and not to do by the authorities. Personal phones are taken into account. Duh!

    Undercover agents? LOL WTF is this, Russia House? I'm pretty sure they're "UNDERCOVER", meaning, tracking them would be useless, since there is nothing advertising their personal information. All anyone would get is random location data that could belong to anyone.

    Dumbest examples ever. And you're a smart guy otherwise, so it's surprising.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. 2010 09:06:34. demi lovato
  • 2010 09:06:34. demi lovato

  • slicecom
    Sep 14, 08:56 AM
    This story gets buried in the blog and a story of ninja stars makes page one? No Apple bias here. :rolleyes:

    I clicked on this story on the top left of the main page.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
  • Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 20, 10:43 PM
    now not to start a ppc vs intel flame war. but if it serves his purposes just fine why would he switch? for example my MDD works amazingly well and if it had a better graphics card it would be my main machine; why? because when you run software that is optimized for ppc (and most pro apps still are) they are blazing fast. as far as i can recall i could run fcp at a speed that rivaled my 13 mbp (before its gfx card died). anyway don't take this personally :P just pointing out a fact.

    (if this starts a flame war i will seriously smack myself XD :p)

    K. Flame war=over

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato,
  • Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato,

  • Delicious-Apple
    Nov 30, 11:34 AM
    A Touchscreen device is what I would like to see with the iTV (iTablet, Video iPod or iPhone). The beginnings of a device that can sync/serve every area of your digital life.

    Leopard Features and iTV Companions:
    iChat with the remote desktop features in particular
    Bonjour, iCal, iSync, .Mac, iLife, Front Row etc

    Video iPod/iTablet:
    A touch screen Chameleon that acts as a remote control, Video/Music iPod, games controller and much more.

    * Check your email on the way out of the office,
    * View your Nike+Apple Stats/Report for the day,
    * Dock the device in your car and listen to some music to unwind as you drive home,
    * Walk through the door and automatically sync with iTV (and your Mac which is acting as a server),
    * Collapse on the sofa and challenge your kids to a game (iTV or Mac based games of varying complexity). Turn your portable tablet landscape and it becomes a controller,
    * Dock the device next to your mac for recharging, drag and drop new software components for added functionality.

    Apple could add other hardware components such as lighting/home applicance control, wireless speaker systems, digital iPhoto frames; the list goes on FOREVER!

    Software Add-Ons (iTunes style) would become the big sellers. Add lighting control functionality, game controller functionality, music functionality, email, basic photo editing. It's a DIY computer made up of modules.

    It may take a few years of drip feeding for us to get there but I'm waiting, impatiently!!! :D

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Macinposh
    Aug 26, 03:54 AM
    Apple needs something between the horribly constrained MiniMac, and the preposterously huge ProMac.

    A Conroe (64-bit, single-socket, dual-core) system would fit the bill....

    Aiden,or others.

    What do you think about the rumours that a single socket Conroe thanks to it�s superior memory handling effiency (~70%?) compared to Xeons DB-Dimm�s lousy (~25?) might crush a dual socket Xeon in memory intesive tasks, like photoshop.

    Have you heard seen any data on that one,exept the specuatlion on Anandtech?
    Any idea if the upcoming products (CS3 for example) might find a way to utilize the FB-Dims more efficiently, or is the problems so prevalent,that it cant be overcome with anything?

    Because that might be the deathblow to the Pizza-Mac.

    Apple definately wouldn want a cheaper/weaker product to equal or crush it�s workstations in any area. Let alone on one that is considered it is pride,DTP.


    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Miley Cyrus,Demi Lovato,Selena
  • Miley Cyrus,Demi Lovato,Selena

  • chutch15
    Sep 14, 08:19 AM
    I agree. Without a case, the new Touch is slippery. The Belkin case adds just enough bulk and grip to make it very comfortable to hold. I don't feel like I'm going to drop it any more and it slides right into my pocket as well.

    BTW, the Night Sky looks almost black in low light. :)

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Miley Cyrus breaks records at
  • Miley Cyrus breaks records at

  • wkhahn
    Sep 7, 12:48 PM
    Using an advanced video codec like h.264, you can get decent quality in 720p at 6 Mbps and 1080p at 8 Mbps. (Look at the HD trailers on apple.com)

    With current cable modems now getting 8 Mbps download speeds, we're not talking 2 and a half days, we're talking realtime or close to it.

    I'm betting apple skips "DVD Quality" (whatever that means) and goes straight into HD. It is the 21st Century after all...

    On my lunch break at work, I just downloaded a couple of HD trailers, both 2min30sec in length; 1 at 480p and the other at 720p. My set up is an 3.0Ghz Pentium D, 1G ram, 256K Nvidia Gforce 6800, 20" Dell Digital LCD.

    I could tell no difference in file quality. The problem lies in download time. Both files average dl speed was 150KBps. Thats 1.2Mbps if my math is right. The 420p file took 4:28 to dl, translating to 3:34:24 for a 2hr movie. For 720p, it took 12:39, meaning a full movie would take 9:28:45.

    I know my cable provider offers up to 4Mbps downlaods, for about $120/month. And thats before the cable servise itself. Even then its not dedicated. Most people with cable will opt for their providers basic service ,like $40 - 50/month for 500-600kbps, or 1/2 as fast as my test. The movies would take twice as long to dl. 19hrs to downlaod will not fly. 7hrs may not either.

    If the compression works to get a DVD quality movie down to 1G, then it could be downloaded in about 1h50mim, nearly realtime at work, or 3h40min at home. At work, I would only need maybe a 15min buffer before I start watching, and not catch up to the dl. But at home, I would need about 1h40min buffer. Maybe this is acceptable to some, but if I can walk to Wal-mart or Blockbuster and back in that time, then what's the consumer advantage beyond the novelty?

    I'm sure apple engineers can do these same napkin calculations. There would have to be some alternative to the straight dl. Maybe a torrent of some kind built into iTunes 7. I don't know. Just thinking.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. Demi Lovato and Selena
  • Demi Lovato and Selena

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 24, 05:54 PM
    Just taking a guess that it also includes the iMac, well praying :o

    Is Conroe pin-compatible with the iMac, though? I didn't think it was...and I definitely think that Apple should try to get a Conroe chip in that computer (or else release a mid-sized tower).

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez demi lovato miley
  • selena gomez demi lovato miley

  • dongmin
    Aug 6, 11:41 PM
    Hey, since we're all posting picts, a blast from the past:


    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • Macinposh
    Aug 26, 03:54 AM
    Apple needs something between the horribly constrained MiniMac, and the preposterously huge ProMac.

    A Conroe (64-bit, single-socket, dual-core) system would fit the bill....

    Aiden,or others.

    What do you think about the rumours that a single socket Conroe thanks to it�s superior memory handling effiency (~70%?) compared to Xeons DB-Dimm�s lousy (~25?) might crush a dual socket Xeon in memory intesive tasks, like photoshop.

    Have you heard seen any data on that one,exept the specuatlion on Anandtech?
    Any idea if the upcoming products (CS3 for example) might find a way to utilize the FB-Dims more efficiently, or is the problems so prevalent,that it cant be overcome with anything?

    Because that might be the deathblow to the Pizza-Mac.

    Apple definately wouldn want a cheaper/weaker product to equal or crush it�s workstations in any area. Let alone on one that is considered it is pride,DTP.


    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • milo
    Aug 29, 05:49 PM
    Huh? What happened there? Didn't Think Secret used to be the place to go for the most accurate rumors? I definitely trust macrumors and appleinsider a lot more than think secret now though.

    They used to be pretty good, but they've been consistently wrong (or make worthlessly vague predictions) for a couple years now.

    I don't know that I'd say I trust macrumors. They don't really report any rumors, they just link to rumors on other sites. The trustiness completely depends on who they link to.

    selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus 2010. selena gomez and demi lovato
  • selena gomez and demi lovato

  • twoodcc
    Apr 17, 09:23 AM
    Hehehe no it's fine, I will post it in this thread however ;)

    Just realised that 1 million is very possible for me.

    ok. yes it is!

    and congrats to rwh202 for 4 million points!

    Mar 27, 03:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    OH noooos, you gots me theres. ;) It's not exactly easy to takes 'some' of me toys with me, but as a trade off I get an absolutely superior experience on all fronts. There are NO compromises to my controls. I get top notch visuals now that are much better than what can be done on dated consoles like the PS3 and 360, and at a much higher frame rate.

    I have an iPad, I'm getting an iPad 2 for compatibility testing. I have a great phone that's similar to my iPad performance wise -- which I can plug a Wiimote into and play a ton of old games. I have a DS and I'm getting a 3DS.

    I have portability for entertainment and there's nothing stoping me from bringing my PC, wheel, etc. to my friend's place, something I've done.

    Who care's if the future iPad is up to par with a 360 visually as an example, it will still be subpar compared to my PC now and chances are it will still lack proper inputs.

    If I wan to play a casual exploration game, a time killer, something that has fun direct interaction like World of Goo, I'll pull out my iPad. But for racing or any game that just plays better with a mouse, a wheel, a flightstick, and so on, I really can't care that my iPad or any future version is portable, if it makes playing these types of games lame.

    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    Here here

    Feb 8, 04:45 PM
    On a side note, I have reached #977 overall with 6.4 mio units! I didn't think it was possible before the bigadv units...

    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    This is a long-shot, but my dream feature for the iPod classic is the ability for bi-directional communication between that and my iPhone. What do I mean? Essentially, tethering the iPod classic to the iPhone so it acts as an extended hard drive for music and videos. This way, in my car, I could utilize Voice Control or the iPod app on the iPhone to select a song from my full library on my iPod classic, and have it stream that music to my iPhone, so that I could still have the phone feature or GPS instructions outputting audio to my car. Bi-directional communication comes into play when, once I've selected my album, or told it to shuffle, I could click the physical "Next" button on my iPod classic. Again.. very niche, but a dream feature for me!

    Apr 2, 08:16 PM
    Did this ad make anyone else misty-eyed, or is it just me? Anyone?


    Apr 26, 03:58 PM
    Trademarking office. How pompous. What's next, trademarking word and windows? :rolleyes:


    No difference at all, really. The concept of windows in GUI computing was introduced long before Microsoft decided to clone Mac OS. Windows in computing is just as generic a term as windows in your home.
    What Microsoft sells is an Operating System, not a GUI element. Apple is welcome to rename their OS to "Buttons" or "Menus" and trademark that for their OS name if they choose.