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Friday, May 13, 2011

justin bieber gifts

justin bieber gifts. Justin Bieber#39;s birthday.
  • Justin Bieber#39;s birthday.

  • ipodG8TR
    Aug 16, 12:38 PM
    And why not offer clips from Sirius shows, namely Stern, as downloads from iTunes? Apple already allows explicit content (think every Hip Hop song), so there shouldn't be a problem.

    Song paradies and other clips would sell like hotcakes for .99!

    Stern isn't for everyone, but millions of fans would bring some serious attention and cash to Apple.

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  • Justin Bieber Drew to someone

  • iTim314
    Apr 2, 01:58 PM
    Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but the kernel under Lion boots 64-bit by default. In Snow Leopard, you had to press 6+4 upon boot to use a 64-bit kernel.

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  • EagerDragon
    Nov 28, 11:42 AM
    Creating a low end monitor would be a very, very wise decision on Apple's part. Buyers of Mac Minis would appreciate having a less expensive Apple monitor to go with their stuff.

    I disagree, take the price of a mini, add a good 17" monitor (4:3 (but not a super cheap one)) then compare the price to the 17" iMac. Not much difference and the iMac has better everything.

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  • Justin Bieber#39;s Sweet Smile to

  • Tmelon
    Apr 1, 04:21 PM
    So I guess we won’t see any new features… Apple is busy polishing what we’ve got now…:/

    Basically. Now they just need to polish what they gave us. It's honestly a lot though. I wouldn't feel ripped off for them charging money for it.

    Almost all of the Applications have been enhanced, autosave, Launchpad, Mission Control, Versions, resume, Multitouch gestures, full screen apps and the Mac App Store.

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  • 0815
    May 2, 04:25 PM
    Perhaps, though I suspect for some people, the MAS will be the only way they interact with apps on the Mac.


    True, but I still would wish for a consistent look and feel (and not the need to remember if I installed through MAS or download to know where to find apps or how to uninstall)

    but I'm afraid that Apple is lately no longer on board with consistent behavior and look&feel (just look at the buttons on iTunes, MAS and other apps - no consistency anymore - or is it just public beta testing to get feedback what people like?)

    I always enjoyed that things are more consistent on MacOS than under Windows (especially across apps [with exceptions]) - but if even Apple doesn't do that anymore ....

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 27, 11:56 PM
    There is no such thing as a European Command run by Europeans, any more than there is an African Command run by an African. They are both branches of the US military command. Your comment that "even" the European Command was run by an American was foolish in the extreme.

    So now that I pwned you you still try to twist words to get weasle your way out.

    Scroll up and this is what I said:
    "He even says that European Command is headed by a US Admiral."

    That's a lot different than:
    "Even the European Command was run by an American"

    In other words...it's NOT handed over to NATO.

    Why don't you just face it. The US blows crap up and all of the "NATO" nations expect the US to handle the brunt of the decisions AND the work behind the scenes and that YOUR nation shoots 2 tomahawks and takes credit for the "massive assault" even though it hurts your pride to believe so or some crap! :D

    You see, beneath all of that hippie exterior of yours, you are secretly a warmonger, you just don't like it when most of the damage is done by the US instead of by someone more close to home! I knew it! ;)

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  • Westside guy
    Oct 23, 02:49 PM
    I don't know if this update is imminent. apple.com store still shows macbooks and mbp as shipping within 24 hours....

    Powerpage is starting to show a significant drop in availability...


    Nothing like the old days when the 15" Titanium supply went completely dry though. ;)

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  • Justin Bieber at Easter Egg

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 02:25 PM
    I think you are missing the point:

    "What are some other reasons for refusing registration?

    Registration may be refused if the mark is:

    • Descriptive for the goods/services;
    • A geographic term;
    • A surname;
    • Ornamental as applied to the goods"

    Source: http://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/basics/BasicFacts_with_correct_links.pdf

    App Store is descriptive of what it does. In other words, it sells apps or applications. Therefore, it cannot be trademarked. Apple can use it if they want, but so can anyone else doing the same thing.

    This is pretty much saying that Microsoft is going to trademark Operating System. Both Microsoft and Apple make operating systems. What Windows is is a type of operating system. Windows does not describe the product.

    You make it sound as though this is such an obvious distinction that Apple could never get a trademark for "app store". But apparently this argument is not so strong in trademark law as Apple actually has the trademark already. If that were not the case how could they sue another entity for trademark infringement?

    I think all of you who believe you have trademark law all figured out should keep this in mind. Apple has a trademark for app store. Previously another company had a trademark for "appstore" which is very similar.

    You can write about the topic as though you have it all figured out but clearly your interpretation is not definitive as Apple was awarded the trademark.

    Now perhaps eventually apple will lose it or have to modify it but the fact that they got the trademark and a legal battle would need to be waged for them to lose proves that your opinion of trademark law in this case is oversimplified.

    Therefore, it cannot be trademarked

    It was.

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  • MightyQuinn
    Feb 6, 04:38 AM

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  • Jswoosh
    Apr 19, 12:49 PM
    Yes haha this made my day. Looking forward to my first iMac!!

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  • shawnce
    Nov 16, 11:50 AM
    Usually true, but with FB-DIMMs the 256MB and 512MB only use one of the onboard buffer channels (as in buffer channels on the module itself). Humm ... never ran across any documentation to that effect. You have an online reference? (I believe you, just like having reference information)

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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 25, 10:33 AM
    Why would updated mac minis be such a high security product. Its nothing revolutionary so why would apple want so much security on the shipping of them? Im hoping for something BIG

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  • res1233
    Apr 12, 09:54 PM
    Because pros don't need features to make their life easier, and help automatically organise footage?

    Exactly. Apple's philosophy with all their software is to make it powerful, yet simple so that you don't have to be a pro to figure out how to use it, at least the basics. You can use Mac OS X without ever touching the terminal or using Applescript, but if you're an advanced user, you have a ton of features available to you, should you chose to take advantage of them. I think that's the direction FCP has gone with this version.

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  • Justin Bieber Valentine#39;s

  • fall3n
    Sep 1, 11:52 AM
    I'm wondering if Apple would kill off the 17" if they did introduce a 23". I'm pretty sure now that the manufacturing cost difference between 17" and 20" is quite small.

    I highly doubt they would killl it off. I think they'd drop the price on it which would make it even more desirable for standard consumers with a budget. Sort of a, why get the mini when I could just pay a bit more for the iMac 17" kind of thing.

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  • Justin Bieber - First Step 2

  • Chef Medeski
    Aug 16, 09:05 PM
    Its at least good to see Microsoft put pressure on Apple because it forces them to actually innovate.... which is what it looks like its been doing.... i love capitalism.

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  • amac4me
    Jul 19, 05:12 PM
    Great quarter for Apple!

    The introduction of the MacBook during the quarter really helped to drive Macintosh sales. The dip in desktop sales can be explained by the PowerMac (G5 processors) Once Apple releases the Intel powered PowerMac, there will be a dramatic increase in Macintosh desktop sales.

    Apple is doing very well right now and I expect Macintosh sales to really spike as we head into the holiday shopping season.

    Can anyone say increased "Market Share"?

    :D :D :D

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  • Stridder44
    Aug 29, 10:47 AM
    I don't care about a measly speedbump. Begin to produce the media center already! How hard can it be? Just slap in a TV-card and beef up frontrow. done.
    ok, slightly over simplified... But I dont see why Apple procrastinate on this matter. They would sell a bundle by releasing an Apple "media center".

    Maybe FrontRow 2 (I believe/assume comes with Leopard) is where this will play in. Maybe instead of making a single device and labeling it a media center Apple will allow for any Mac (any new Mac...) to be used as a media center via FrontRow 2.

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  • Hometown, Justin Bieber,

  • twoodcc
    Oct 5, 02:22 PM
    thanks. when it gets colder here, i'll start doing the bigadv units again. then the points should really add up. if they keep the units going.

    way to go dude!

    hey, congrats to you for 6 million!!

    justin bieber gifts. Justin Bieber at Easter Egg
  • Justin Bieber at Easter Egg

  • termite
    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    My Wife and I each have a ton-o-spam to process, and leave our Mail.apps open all the time. Mail.app uses up a full core for a few minutes at a time (G5 2.0GHz). So occasionally the computer is fully loaded just from the suckiness of Mail.app. It's very distruptive to doing anything else on the computer -- watching videos becomes very pretty much impossible. The kids sometimes leave their Safaris pointed at some flashy website which, between the two kids, takes another half-core.

    Eight cores makes me think seriously of upgrading.

    Jan 12, 05:10 PM
    Whatever it is, it better not be 13.3''. That's too big, and definitely not an ultraportable.

    12'' widescreen is the key.

    Nov 27, 09:52 PM
    Funny that you say "accurate" color.....

    Anyone ever hear of the "Pinkening" of the Apple displays over the last 2 years? If you haven't then you may have seen it on your trips to the Apple Store.

    Apple LCDs have had a nasty habit of having a Pink hue to them that you cannot dial out of the display. Granted, Apple has been pretty good at replacing these models, but it has been a major issue to those it has affected.

    Yes, I'm quite aware of that issue. I do not mention it because it is an anomaly in the build. Dell also had backlight bleed problems with the 2005ftw units (and by all reports, wasn't handled all that well by Dell).
    However which panel each company decides to use in their product is a choice, the results of which will effect every monitor in the line up. Do you see the difference there?

    True accurate color will only be had by using color calibration units. So with that rebutle I will say that you will be able to achieve "accurate" color with that $250 LCD monitor from Best Buy.

    Yes, but some panels are far more prone to the color shifting with time. Also the evenness of the color/contrast/backlighting has to be even across the entire screen. Color calibration units only measure a small part of the screen in order to create a color profile that your computer will apply to the entire screen. That profile will not help you if the screen is imbalanced.

    Dell, quite honestly, doesn't care about the prosumer market. THis is obvious in their recent choice to take their 23" monitor from 8 bits per color down to 6. So instead of 24 bit color, you get 18 bit color which is then dithered to get 24 bit color. For those that don't understand color bit depth,
    18 bit = 262,144 colors
    24 bit = 16,777,216 colors

    Why would Dell do this you ask? Because they can now drop their response time to 6ms from 16ms. That's right, they made a change that severally effects the color quality in order to archive one of the few stats that people use and see to buy a monitor.

    There is far more to monitors than ms, contrast, and even color accuracy. There are people in this thread that seem to think that all monitors are created equal but for the case they are put in, or that there is only one component inside the case. To these people of course monitor prices should all be about the same.

    Before anyone screams foul on Apple pricing ONE more time I dear you to go to www.NEC.com and check out the different monitors sold by them. You can pay $2000 for a 20" there if you like.

    Monitors are just like most computer hardware, not all created equal, not all priced equal. Weigh you needs with your budget, research the product, and make a choice that's right for you. If Apple doesn't offer a choice that fits your equation, that sucks (happened to me), but fortunately there are a hundred other companies out there, one of which might just offer what you require.


    Apr 3, 02:11 PM
    Please do a little research before making assumptions. "Search" is your friend.

    Reading comprehension is your friend.

    1. This thread is about the ad.
    2. I was stating my personal experience with my iPad 2 which was the same as with my iPad 1. There were no scratches or dents.

    No amount of searching would change my personal "experience". I have also heard about people getting returns as "new" at some stores.

    If the iPad is not covered by a plastic cover on the front and back then it is a return.

    Do you listen to country music ironically? Do you drink PBR?

    Apr 2, 08:26 PM
    My backlight bleeds

    You have a backlight?!

    Nov 29, 09:20 PM
    I'll speak loud and clear:


    iTunes Store can't now nor will it likely ever replace Dish Network for me. Just let me record my shows either directly with iTV or via something connected to it. I hope when this is released, HD DVD and Blu-ray make there way into Macs.

    I am with you but I believe Apple will offer that trough Elgato with Front Row and some sort of DVR functionality via EyeTV. That way Apple's offers DVR without compromising themselves with the whole DRM thing and pissing off the networks.
    Mark my words. Plus, I think the Elgato's founder is on Apple's board of directors.